GSL/OBIT/2 | Obituaries, D-G | 1903-present | |
GSL/PUB/JGS/2/2/20 | Referees' reports: Henry Gould BUSK, "Isometric projection of the Great Rift Valley" | 1938 | |
GSL/PUB/JGS/2/2/38 | Referees' reports: Frank DIXEY, "Geology of Part of the Upper Luangwa Valley, North-Eastern... | 1936 | |
GSL/PUB/JGS/2/2/39 | Referees' reports: Frank DIXEY, "Pre-Karroo Landscape of the Lake Nyasa Region" | 1936 | |
GSL/PUB/JGS/2/2/40 | Referees' reports: Frank DIXEY, "Early Cretaceous Valley-form Peneplain of the Lake Nyasa Region" | 1938 | |
GSL/PUB/JGS/2/2/41 | Referees' reports: Frank DIXEY, "Erosion and tectonics in the East African Rift System" | [1945-1946] | |
GSL/PUB/JGS/2/2/116 | Referees' reports: Gordon Murray STOCKLEY, "Further Contribution on the Karroo Rocks of... | 1934-1935 | |
LDGSL/341 | Paper, 'The geology of the Upper Luangwa Valley, North-eastern Rhodesia' | 1936 | |
LDGSL/342 | Paper, 'The pre-Karoo landscape of the Lake Nyasa region' | 1936 | |