GSL/POR/53/74 | Portrait of Kingsley Charles Dunham | [1964] |
GSL/PUB/JGS/2/2/36 | Referees' reports: Duncan Ramsay DERRY, "Some Examples of detailed Structure in Early Pre... | 1938 | |
GSL/PUB/JGS/2/2/43 | Referees' reports: Kingsley Charles DUNHAM, "Genesis of the North Pennine Ore Deposits" | 1933 | |
IG/ABER/7 | Aberconway Medal: Sir Kingsley Dunham | 1986 | |
LDGSL/1037 | Letters to Leonard HAWKES mostly on petrological topics | 1914-1964 | |
LDGSL/1038 | Leonard HAWKES' application for the readership in geology at Bedford College | 1920-1921 | |
LDGSL/1039 | Leonard HAWKES' lectures and reports on Icelandic and Javanese geology | 1934-1937 | |