Description | Diazo microfilm copy of the Geological Society Museum 'Donations of Specimens' register, containing a record of fossils, rocks, minerals, plaster casts, models, etc, donated to the Society's Museum, March 1844-April 1903.
All entries generally record the following information: date of accession; description of item(s); date when announced [ie at an OGM]; date of letter of thanks; date when letter sent. A number of entries are also annotated with the museum reference of the specimen. Towards the end of the volume, the last three columns are not completed. |
Administrative History | Donations to the Museum after the 1870s become less and less frequent, probably due to the decision to abandon the idea that the collections of the Museum should be comprehensive. Instead, in view of the move to new premises at Burlington House, it was decided to weed the collection and only retain those which directly related to papers read at the Society. Lack of curatorial staff and diminishing interest in the collection also contributed to the demise of the collection. |