Date Note | Publication states that the paper was received in 1967. |
Description | Working file entitled 'Osc Viscous Sphere', relating to the paper: McKenzie, D, "The oscillations of a viscous gravitating sphere", 'Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society', vol 65 (1969), pp123-137.
The contents of the file include: manuscript notes/drafts, equations and draft/printed figures. |
Administrative History | The published article states that the paper was received on 9 September 1967 and the computations were carried out at the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, San Diego, where McKenzie was based between July-November 1967. See: LDGSL/1107/A/1/2.
The published paper derived in part from McKenzie's PhD [information from McKenzie, June 2015]. |