Description | Working file, entitled 'Turkish Melts [with] Yucel Yilmaz', relating to the paper: McKenzie, D & Y Yilmaz, "Deformation and volcanism in western Turkey and the Aegean", 'Bulletin of the Technical University of Istanbul', Special Issue in honour of Ihsan Ketin, vol 44 (1991), pp345-373. The file notably comprises: plots and data sets mainly concerning geochemical analyses of young volcanic rocks in the Agean area, 1988; corrected, typescript draft of the paper "Deformation and volcanism in western Turkey and the Aegean", September 1990, and typescript draft of Yilmaz's paper "An approach to the origin of young volcanic rocks of Western Turkey" [published in 'Tectonic evolution of the Tethyan region', (1989), pp159-189]; manuscript notes, [n.d.]; copies of maps/figures and computer generated charts of the area around Turkey and Greece showing the bathymetry, tectonic movement or seismic epicentres of the region, 1988-1990, including from McKenzie's earlier paper "Active tectonics of the Alpine-Himalayan Belt: The Aegean Sea and surrounding Regions" ['Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society', vol 55 (1978) pp217-254]; copies or extracts from published academic articles by others on the geochemistry of the volcanic petrology of the Aegean, 1973 & 1985.
Also, early, rough manuscript draft of the final paper, [1990]. |
Provenance | The working file, along with virtually all of the collection was given to the Society directly from McKenzie. The early, manuscript draft had been sent, along with a small number of others, to McKenzie's friend and colleague Professor Celal Sengor from ITU, Turkey. Professor Sengor gave manuscripts to the Society in June 2016. |