Description | Working file, entitled 'Venus (Admittance) 23/12/93 to 6/5/95 (2)', containing material relating to the published papers: McKenzie, D and P G Ford, C Johnson, B Parsons, D Sandwell, S Saunders & S C Solomon, "Features on Venus generated by plate boundary processes", 'Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets)", vol 97 (1992); McKenzie, D and P G Ford, F Liu, & G H Pettengill, "Pancake-like domes on Venus", 'Journal of Geophysical Research', vol 97 (1992), pp15967-15976; McKenzie, D and J M McKenzie & R S Saunders, "Dyke emplacement on Venus and on the Earth", 'Journal of Geophysical Research', vol 97 (1992), pp15977-15990; McKenzie, D, "The relationship between topography and gravity on Earth and Venus", 'Icarus', vol 112 (1994), pp55-88; McKenzie, D & F Nimmo, "Elastic thickness estimates for Venus from line of sight accelerations", 'Icarus', vol 130 (1997), pp198-216; Nimmo, F & D McKenzie, "Volcanism and tectonics on Venus", 'Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences', vol 26 (1998), pp23-51.
The file is principally based around correspondence with fellow academics and scientists, generally concerning McKenzie's research and publications, sharing data, inviting McKenzie to participate in conferences, or seeking McKenzie's opinion on their respective papers, January 1994-September 1996, but also includes: third draft of paper Nimmo, F, "Gravity, Topography, Venus", March 1995; manuscript notes, equations/calculations, computer logarithms/instructions, bibliographic references, and computer generated data sets, plots, contour maps* and map overlays notably on the gravity and altimetry of Venus, 1994-[1995]; copies and extracts from academic papers by others on related subjects, 1978-1987; 'Magellan Mapping Mission Planning Chart'*, prepared by Craig Leff, May 1990, adapted from VRM Planning Chart Topographical Map of Venus, USGS, 1984, and list of approved names for Venus craters, November 1994; correspondence concerning the refereeing process for McKenzie's paper "The relationship between topography and gravity on Earth and Venus", March-May 1994. The back of the file is split into sections: 'Summary plots, Venus, Earth, models', containing chart diagrams of Venus mainly based on spherical harmonics*, [?1994]; 'Calculations for Magellan Volume', mostly relating to McKenzie's papers published in the special Magellan issue of the 'Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets)', vol 107 (1992), including some referee reports, 1989-1993; 'CD Rom and other documentation', containing copies of published articles or typescript instructions on using software programmes to model data, 1974-1994. |