Ref NoLDGSL/273
TitleTracts of Edward James Jones
Extent1 vol
DescriptionVolume of collated tracts and biographical material relating to Edward James Jones, comprising:

1) School reports of Edward James Jones from St Peter's College, Radley, 1872-1875.
2) Prospectus for the Royal School of Mines, 1881
3) Regulations of the Chemical Laboratory, Wiesbaden in English and German, [1880]
4-5) Printed pamphlets of songs of the Zurich polytechnic rowing club and another student show, 1882. In German
6) List of student lectures at the Königlich Bayerischen Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg, winter semester 1882-1883. In German
7) 'XVIII Bericht über die Thätigkeit der Chemischen Gesellschaft zu Würzburg', winter sememster 1882-1883. In German
8) Prospectus for the Royal School of Mines, 1883
9) Jones, E J "Notes on the Kashmir Earthquake of 30th May 1885", from the Records of the Geological Survey of India, XVIII (1885) (2 copies)
10) Jones. E J, "The southern coal-fields of the Satpura Gondwana Basin", Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, XXIV (1887)
11) Jones. E J, "Notes on Upper Burma", from the Records of the Geological Survey of India, XX (1887)
12) Jones, E J, "On some nodular stones obtained by trawling off Colombo in 675 fathoms of water", reprinted from the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, LVI (1887)
13) Jones, E J, "Examination of nodular stones obtained by trawling off Colombo", from the Records of the Geological Survey of India, XXI (1888)
14) Jones, E J, "Note on a Cobaltiferous Matt from Nepal", from the Records of the Geological Survey of India, XXII (1889) (2 copies)
15) Issue of Nature, 14 November 1889, containing short reference to Jones' death on 15 October 1889.

Also loose mss note with brief biographical information on Jones presumably compiled by his brother and printed, foolscap 'Instructions for Mr Jones of the Geological Survey' detailing the work in Upper Burma on the coal fields issued by C Bernard, 21 December 1886.
Administrative HistoryEdward James Jones attended the Royal School of Mines between 1876-1880, becoming an Associate. Between 1880-1883, he studied in Zurich and in Würzburg. In November 1883 he was appointed to the Geological Survey of India. He died of dysentery in Darjeeling in 15 October 1889.
CustodialHistoryTransferred from the Tract series, August 2024.
ProvenanceA note inside indicates that the volume was collated by Jones' brother. Library accession stamp of 3 June 1950.
ArchNoteDescription by Caroline Lam
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