Ref NoLDGSL/838/V/10
TitleMurchison correspondence: letter from Madame R de VALMENCY
Date29 Apr 1870
Extent1 letter
DescriptionMurchison correspondence: letter from Madame R de VALMENCY, 7 St Mary's Terrace, Maida Hill, 29 Apr 1870. Re: regrets she cannot meet with Murchison as she has a prior appointment; has heard of an interesting event which will take place in Jermyn Street [at the Museum of Practical Geology] and enquires whether ladies are allowed to attend.
Access ConditionsAccess is by appointment only. Please contact the Archivist for further information.
ArchNoteDescription by John Thackray; revised by Caroline Lam
CreatorNameDe VALMENCY | Cordelia Magdalena | d.1873 | wife of Adolphe Dominique Richard de Valmency of Boulogne
DS/UK/1128De VALMENCY; Cordelia Magdalena (d.1873); wife of Adolphe Dominique Richard de Valmency of Boulogned.1873
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