Date Note | Based on Keilhau reference, date of death |
Description | Geological colouring over the whole of the map, with key and indications of geological periods, by George Bellas Greenough, [1844-1855], on base map 'Carte Physique, Routiere et Politique d'Europe, indiquant les Limites des Etats', published by Adrien Hubert Brue, 1824. Greenough no.2551. Scale-1:4,000,000 |
Administrative History | The terminology used in the map ie 'Devonian', 'Eocene' and 'Permian', gives a date of at least 1841 when the latter term was first coined.
Sources cited are: George Pusch's 'Geognostyscher Atlas von Polen' [Geological atlas of Poland], (1836); Balthasar Matthias Keilhau's 'Erster Versuch einer Geognostischen Karte von Norwegen' (1844) [Geological map of Norway]; Elie de Beaumont, [n.d.] |
CustodialHistory | Thomas Sheppard gave the colouring of the map a date of c.1848, but it is unclear where this date derives. |