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Collapse GSL - GSL - Records of the Geological Society of LondonGSL - GSL - Records of the Geological Society of London
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ABS - GSL/CFN/ABS - Abstract books for Society conferences
Expand AGC - GSL/CFN/AGC - Applied Geoscience Conference, later Geoscience ConferenceAGC - GSL/CFN/AGC - Applied Geoscience Conference, later Geoscience Conference
Expand AH - GSL/CFN/AH - Arthur Holmes European ConferencesAH - GSL/CFN/AH - Arthur Holmes European Conferences
Expand BRI - GSL/CFN/BRI - Meetings of the Geological Societies of the British IslesBRI - GSL/CFN/BRI - Meetings of the Geological Societies of the British Isles
EIG - GSL/CFN/EIG - Extractive Industries Geology conferences
Expand FER - GSL/CFN/FER - Fermor Lecture, later MeetingFER - GSL/CFN/FER - Fermor Lecture, later Meeting
Expand IGC - GSL/CFN/IGC - International Geological CongressIGC - GSL/CFN/IGC - International Geological Congress
Expand INV - GSL/CFN/INV - Other Society eventsINV - GSL/CFN/INV - Other Society events
Expand LM - GSL/CFN/LM - Lists of meetings and general publicityLM - GSL/CFN/LM - Lists of meetings and general publicity
Expand LY - GSL/CFN/LY - Lyell MeetingsLY - GSL/CFN/LY - Lyell Meetings
Expand MEGS - GSL/CFN/MEGS - Meetings of the European Geological SocietiesMEGS - GSL/CFN/MEGS - Meetings of the European Geological Societies
Expand NWE - GSL/CFN/NWE - Conferences on Petroleum Geology of NW EuropeNWE - GSL/CFN/NWE - Conferences on Petroleum Geology of NW Europe
Expand PK - GSL/CFN/PK - Sir Peter Kent LecturesPK - GSL/CFN/PK - Sir Peter Kent Lectures
Expand SM - GSL/CFN/SM - Special and Joint MeetingsSM - GSL/CFN/SM - Special and Joint Meetings
Expand STU - GSL/CFN/STU - Student Instructional ToursSTU - GSL/CFN/STU - Student Instructional Tours
Collapse WS - GSL/CFN/WS - William Smith Lectures, later MeetingsWS - GSL/CFN/WS - William Smith Lectures, later Meetings
Expand CM - GSL/CM - Council Minutes and PapersCM - GSL/CM - Council Minutes and Papers
Expand COM - GSL/COM - Committees of CouncilCOM - GSL/COM - Committees of Council
Expand E - GSL/E - Education DepartmentE - GSL/E - Education Department
Expand EO - GSL/EO - Elected OfficersEO - GSL/EO - Elected Officers
Expand EPH - GSL/EPH - EphemeraEPH - GSL/EPH - Ephemera
Expand ES - GSL/ES - Executive SecretaryES - GSL/ES - Executive Secretary
Expand F - GSL/F - Fellowship and Membership RecordsF - GSL/F - Fellowship and Membership Records
Expand FIN - GSL/FIN - Financial RecordsFIN - GSL/FIN - Financial Records
Expand GD - GSL/GD - Records of the Geological Society Club, later Discussion GroupGD - GSL/GD - Records of the Geological Society Club, later Discussion Group
Expand GS - GSL/GS - Charter & Bye-laws, regulationsGS - GSL/GS - Charter & Bye-laws, regulations
Expand L - GSL/L - Letterbooks and lettersL - GSL/L - Letterbooks and letters
Expand LIB - GSL/LIB - Library RecordsLIB - GSL/LIB - Library Records
Expand MUS - GSL/MUS - Museum RecordsMUS - GSL/MUS - Museum Records
Expand OB - GSL/OB - Artefacts and Museum objectsOB - GSL/OB - Artefacts and Museum objects
Expand OBIT - GSL/OBIT - Obituaries & biographical informationOBIT - GSL/OBIT - Obituaries & biographical information
Expand OM - GSL/OM - Ordinary MeetingsOM - GSL/OM - Ordinary Meetings
Expand PH - GSL/PH - Images of the interior and exterior of Burlington HousePH - GSL/PH - Images of the interior and exterior of Burlington House
Expand PLAN - GSL/PLAN - Plans of the Society's rooms and apartmentsPLAN - GSL/PLAN - Plans of the Society's rooms and apartments
Expand POR - GSL/POR - PortraitsPOR - GSL/POR - Portraits
Expand PRES - GSL/PRES - President's filesPRES - GSL/PRES - President's files
Expand PUB - GSL/PUB - Publications Department RecordsPUB - GSL/PUB - Publications Department Records
Expand SG - GSL/SG - Specialist Groups and Joint AssociationsSG - GSL/SG - Specialist Groups and Joint Associations
Expand SGM - GSL/SGM - Special General MeetingsSGM - GSL/SGM - Special General Meetings
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