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Collapse GSL - GSL - Records of the Geological Society of LondonGSL - GSL - Records of the Geological Society of London
Expand AGM - GSL/AGM - Annual General MeetingsAGM - GSL/AGM - Annual General Meetings
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Expand AT - GSL/AT - Attendance booksAT - GSL/AT - Attendance books
Expand AW - GSL/AW - Diplomas, formal addresses and award citationsAW - GSL/AW - Diplomas, formal addresses and award citations
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Expand EPH - GSL/EPH - EphemeraEPH - GSL/EPH - Ephemera
Expand ES - GSL/ES - Executive SecretaryES - GSL/ES - Executive Secretary
Expand F - GSL/F - Fellowship and Membership RecordsF - GSL/F - Fellowship and Membership Records
Expand FIN - GSL/FIN - Financial RecordsFIN - GSL/FIN - Financial Records
Expand GD - GSL/GD - Records of the Geological Society Club, later Discussion GroupGD - GSL/GD - Records of the Geological Society Club, later Discussion Group
Expand GS - GSL/GS - Charter & Bye-laws, regulationsGS - GSL/GS - Charter & Bye-laws, regulations
Collapse L - GSL/L - Letterbooks and lettersL - GSL/L - Letterbooks and letters
Expand F - GSL/L/F - Letters relating to Fellows and Foreign MembersF - GSL/L/F - Letters relating to Fellows and Foreign Members
Expand MISC - GSL/L/MISC - Miscellaneous lettersMISC - GSL/L/MISC - Miscellaneous letters
Expand P - GSL/L/P - Post and Parcel BooksP - GSL/L/P - Post and Parcel Books
Collapse R - GSL/L/R - Secretary's In LettersR - GSL/L/R - Secretary's In Letters
Expand 1 - GSL/L/R/1 - Secretary's In Letters, 1834-18351 - GSL/L/R/1 - Secretary's In Letters, 1834-1835
Collapse 2 - GSL/L/R/2 - Secretary's In Letters, 1835-18372 - GSL/L/R/2 - Secretary's In Letters, 1835-1837
1 - GSL/L/R/2/1 - Letter from William John HAMILTON
2 - GSL/L/R/2/2 - Letter from David WILLIAMS
4 - GSL/L/R/2/4 - Letter from Alexander NASMYTH
5 - GSL/L/R/2/5 - Letter from Henry G ATKINSON
6 - GSL/L/R/2/6 - Letter from David WILLIAMS
7 - GSL/L/R/2/7 - Letter from George CUMBERLAND
8 - GSL/L/R/2/8 - Letter from the BRITISH IMPERIAL CALENDAR
9 - GSL/L/R/2/9 - Letter from Nathaniel Thomas WETHERELL
10 - GSL/L/R/2/10 - Letter from William BUCKLAND
11 - GSL/L/R/2/11 - Letter from William HUTTON
12 - GSL/L/R/2/12 - Letter from Joseph Barclay PENTLAND
13 - GSL/L/R/2/13 - Letter from the ADMIRALTY
14 - GSL/L/R/2/14 - Letter from Samuel STUTCHBURY
15 - GSL/L/R/2/15 - Letter from Edward Lewis RICHARDS
16 - GSL/L/R/2/16 - Letter from Charles Larkin FRANCIS
17 - GSL/L/R/2/17 - Letter from James MITCHELL
18 - GSL/L/R/2/18 - Letter from John TAYLOR
19 - GSL/L/R/2/19 - Letter from James William HAMOND
20 - GSL/L/R/2/20 - Letter from William Daniel CONYBEARE
21 - GSL/L/R/2/21 - Letter from John Stevens HENSLOW
22 - GSL/L/R/2/22 - Letter from William WYON
23 - GSL/L/R/2/23 - Letter from John Cowley FISHER
24 - GSL/L/R/2/24 - Letter from the OFFICE OF ORDNANCE
25 - GSL/L/R/2/25 - Letter from Lord John Frederick CAWDOR
26 - GSL/L/R/2/26 - Letter from Thomas SOPWITH
27 - GSL/L/R/2/27 - Letter from Thomas Charles HARRISON
28 - GSL/L/R/2/28 - Letter from Henry LEACH
29 - GSL/L/R/2/29 - Letter from Edward Lewis RICHARDS
30 - GSL/L/R/2/30 - Letter from David WILLIAMS
31 - GSL/L/R/2/31 - Letter from David WILLIAMS
32 - GSL/L/R/2/32 - Letter from Letitia MUNBEE
33 - GSL/L/R/2/33 - Letter from Charles HASTINGS
34 - GSL/L/R/2/34 - Letter from Thomas ENGLAND
35 - GSL/L/R/2/35 - Letter from Edward Lewis RICHARDS
36 - GSL/L/R/2/36 - Letter from Thomas ENGLAND
37 - GSL/L/R/2/37 - Letter from Edward TURNER
38 - GSL/L/R/2/38 - Letter from William WYON
39 - GSL/L/R/2/39 - Letter from George Bellas GREENOUGH
40 - GSL/L/R/2/40 - Letter from William Jory HENWOOD
41 - GSL/L/R/2/41 - Letter from Frederick William HOPE
42 - GSL/L/R/2/42 - Letter from George Cornewall LEWIS
43 - GSL/L/R/2/43 - Letter from William SHUTT
44 - GSL/L/R/2/44 - Letter from E L BUXTON
45 - GSL/L/R/2/45 - Letter from Edward CHARLESWORTH
46 - GSL/L/R/2/46 - Letter from Arthur Kett BARCLAY
47 - GSL/L/R/2/47 - Letter from Archdeacon Thomas Hobbes SCOTT
48 - GSL/L/R/2/48 - Letter from William Branwhite CLARKE
49 - GSL/L/R/2/49 - Letter from William ANSTICE
50 - GSL/L/R/2/50 - Letter from Benjamin BLAKE
51 - GSL/L/R/2/51 - Letter from Edward CHARLESWORTH
52 - GSL/L/R/2/52 - Letter from James BRYCE
53 - GSL/L/R/2/53 - Letter from J L THOMAS
54 - GSL/L/R/2/54 - Letter from Richard PRIME
55 - GSL/L/R/2/55 - Letter from the ORDNANCE SURVEY
56 - GSL/L/R/2/56 - Letter from Leonard JENYNS
57 - GSL/L/R/2/57 - Letter from James BRYCE
58 - GSL/L/R/2/58 - Letter from the BRITISH MUSEUM
59 - GSL/L/R/2/59 - Letter from Richard SMITH
60 - GSL/L/R/2/60 - Letter from Edward Lewis RICHARDS
62 - GSL/L/R/2/62 - [marker with jotted notes]
63 - GSL/L/R/2/63 - Letter from W BYRNE
64 - GSL/L/R/2/64 - Letter from Edward HITCHCOCK
65 - GSL/L/R/2/65 - Letter from Henry Thomas DE LA BECHE
66 - GSL/L/R/2/66 - Letter from Aylmer Bourke LAMBERT
67 - GSL/L/R/2/67 - Letter from William FOWLER
68 - GSL/L/R/2/68 - Letter from Bridgman MORE
69 - GSL/L/R/2/69 - Letter from the ORDNANCE SURVEY
70 - GSL/L/R/2/70 - Letter from W Henry ENGLISH
71 - GSL/L/R/2/71 - Letter from James EDMONDSTONE
72 - GSL/L/R/2/72 - Letter from the ADMIRALTY
73 - GSL/L/R/2/73 - Letter from Alexander CALDCLEUGH
74 - GSL/L/R/2/74 - Letter from William ANSTICE
75 - GSL/L/R/2/75 - Letter from Basil HALL
76 - GSL/L/R/2/76 - Letter from Robert Edmond GRANT
77 - GSL/L/R/2/77 - Letter from John Lewis PREVOST
78 - GSL/L/R/2/78 - Letter from William ANSTICE
79 - GSL/L/R/2/79 - Letter from G Douglas ALDERSON
80 - GSL/L/R/2/80 - Letter from Messrs CANTOR
81 - GSL/L/R/2/81 - Letter from Messrs CANTOR
83 - GSL/L/R/2/83 - Letter from Joshua TRIMMER
84 - GSL/L/R/2/84 - Letter from Andrew MARTIN
85 - GSL/L/R/2/85 - Letter from Ph VANDERMAELIN
87 - GSL/L/R/2/87 - Letter from James MITCHELL
88 - GSL/L/R/2/88 - Letter from Joseph Beete JUKES
89 - GSL/L/R/2/89 - Letter from John BROWN
90 - GSL/L/R/2/90 - Letter from Edward EDWARDS
91 - GSL/L/R/2/91 - Letter from James MITCHELL
92 - GSL/L/R/2/92 - Letter from George DUCKETT
93 - GSL/L/R/2/93 - Letter from John WEALE
94 - GSL/L/R/2/94 - Letter from William WYON
96 - GSL/L/R/2/96 - Letter from Gérard Paul DESHAYES
97 - GSL/L/R/2/97 - Letter from Joseph Barclay PENTLAND
98 - GSL/L/R/2/98 - Letter from Major EMMETT
99 - GSL/L/R/2/99 - Letter from Henry Thomas DE LA BECHE
100 - GSL/L/R/2/100 - Letter from unknown author
101 - GSL/L/R/2/101 - Letter from R LONGMAN & CO
102 - GSL/L/R/2/102 - Letter from John Lewis PREVOST
103 - GSL/L/R/2/103 - Letter from Nathaniel Thomas WETHERELL
104 - GSL/L/R/2/104 - Letter from Henry Thomas DE LA BECHE
105 - GSL/L/R/2/105 - Letter from William WYON
106 - GSL/L/R/2/106 - Letter from William HOLL
107 - GSL/L/R/2/107 - Letter from Henry W ENGLISH
108 - GSL/L/R/2/108 - Letter from Henry Thomas DE LA BECHE
109 - GSL/L/R/2/109 - Letter from William OTTER
110 - GSL/L/R/2/110 - Letter from the CONSEIL DES MINES DE SAXE
111 - GSL/L/R/2/111 - Letter from the GENERAL AGENCY, Calcutta
112 - GSL/L/R/2/112 - Letter from John Forbes ROYLE
113 - GSL/L/R/2/113 - Letter from Octavian BLEWITT
114 - GSL/L/R/2/114 - Letter from Mr RICHARDSON
115 - GSL/L/R/2/115 - Letter from Charles SPICER
116 - GSL/L/R/2/116 - Letter from the ORDNANCE SURVEY
117 - GSL/L/R/2/117 - Letter from Joshua TRIMMER
118 - GSL/L/R/2/118 - Letter from Mr HATTON
119 - GSL/L/R/2/119 - Letter from 'H S'
120 - GSL/L/R/2/120 - Letter from the BRITISH MUSEUM
121 - GSL/L/R/2/121 - Letter from William HOLBECH
122 - GSL/L/R/2/122 - Letter from Frederick William HOENINGHAUS
123 - GSL/L/R/2/123 - Letter from John BROWN
124 - GSL/L/R/2/124 - Letter from William Thomas Horner Fox STRANGWAYS
126 - GSL/L/R/2/126 - Letter from James EDMONSTONE
127 - GSL/L/R/2/127 - Letter from Richard Zachary MUDGE
128 - GSL/L/R/2/128 - Letter from the COMMISSIONER FOR STAMPS AND TAXES
129 - GSL/L/R/2/129 - Letter from Robert Edmond GRANT
130 - GSL/L/R/2/130 - Letter from Thomas MACLEAN
131 - GSL/L/R/2/131 - Letter from the ADMIRALTY
132 - GSL/L/R/2/132 - Letter from James MITCHELL
133 - GSL/L/R/2/133 - Letter from Robert Edmond GRANT
134 - GSL/L/R/2/134 - Letter from to Mr Lonsdale William HOLL
135 - GSL/L/R/2/135 - Letter from Octavian BLEWITT
136 - GSL/L/R/2/136 - Letter from the SOCIÉTÉ LINNÉENNE DE BORDEAUX
137 - GSL/L/R/2/137 - Letter from William HOLL
138 - GSL/L/R/2/138 - Letter from Charles SILVERTOP
140 - GSL/L/R/2/140 - Letter from Petty VAUGHAN
141 - GSL/L/R/2/141 - Letter from Nathaniel Thomas WETHERELL
142 - GSL/L/R/2/142 - Letter from Joseph PRESTWICH
143 - GSL/L/R/2/143 - Letter from John Lewis PREVOST
144 - GSL/L/R/2/144 - Letter from Elliston ALLEN
145 - GSL/L/R/2/145 - Letter from the SOCIÉTÉ LINNÉENNE DE NORMANDIE
146 - GSL/L/R/2/146 - Letter from William VAUGHAN
147 - GSL/L/R/2/147 - Letter from W Bingham BARING
148 - GSL/L/R/2/148 - Letter from Thomas BELL
149 - GSL/L/R/2/149 - Letter from Richard PRIME
150 - GSL/L/R/2/150 - Letter from Thomas NETTLESHIP
151 - GSL/L/R/2/151 - Letter from George WOODS
153 - GSL/L/R/2/153 - Letter from John Thomas WOODHOUSE
154 - GSL/L/R/2/154 - Letter from Marcel de SERRES
155 - GSL/L/R/2/155 - Letter from the ORDNANCE SURVEY
156 - GSL/L/R/2/156 - Letter from Williamson PEILE
157 - GSL/L/R/2/157 - Letter from Capt LOW
158 - GSL/L/R/2/158 - Letter from FORBE, FORBES & CO
159 - GSL/L/R/2/159 - Letter from William H ALLEN & CO
160 - GSL/L/R/2/160 - Letter from Capt LOW
161 - GSL/L/R/2/161 - Letter from Henry HUBERT
162 - GSL/L/R/2/162 - Letter from Roderick Impey MURCHISON
163 - GSL/L/R/2/163 - Letter from J HOTSON, Customs House agent
164 - GSL/L/R/2/164 - Letter from Henry Thomas DE LA BECHE
165 - GSL/L/R/2/165 - Letter from Archdeacon Thomas Hobbes SCOTT
166 - GSL/L/R/2/166 - Letter from William Charles HENRY
167 - GSL/L/R/2/167 - Letter from Thomas Clement PARR
169 - GSL/L/R/2/169 - Letter from Belford Heriton WILSON
170 - GSL/L/R/2/170 - Letter from H S FOX
171 - GSL/L/R/2/171 - Letter from Belford Heriton WILSON
172 - GSL/L/R/2/172 - Letter from William HOLL
173 - GSL/L/R/2/173 - Letter from Woodbine PARISH
174 - GSL/L/R/2/174 - Letter from John Stevens HENSLOW
175 - GSL/L/R/2/175 - Letter from Mr HAMILTON
176 - GSL/L/R/2/176 - Letter from James GARDNER
177 - GSL/L/R/2/177 - Letter from J P LITCHFIELD
178 - GSL/L/R/2/178 - Letter from Archdeacon Thomas Hobbes SCOTT
179 - GSL/L/R/2/179 - Letter from Joseph Barclay PENTLAND
180 - GSL/L/R/2/180 - Letter from the ORDNANCE SURVEY
181 - GSL/L/R/2/181 - Letter from James YATES
182 - GSL/L/R/2/182 - Letter from Nathaniel VICARY
183 - GSL/L/R/2/183 - Letter from William Thomas Horner Fox STRANGWAYS
184 - GSL/L/R/2/184 - Letter from William Thomas Horner Fox STRANGWAYS
185 - GSL/L/R/2/185 - Letter from the BRITISH IMPERIAL CALENDAR
186 - GSL/L/R/2/186 - Letter from the BRITISH ANNUAL FOR 1837
187 - GSL/L/R/2/187 - Letter from Hugh Edwin STRICKLAND
188 - GSL/L/R/2/188 - Letter from A de Bylandt PALSTERCAMP
189 - GSL/L/R/2/189 - Letter from Robert HUDSON
190 - GSL/L/R/2/190 - Letter from unknown author
191 - GSL/L/R/2/191 - Letter from Heinrich Georg BRONN
192 - GSL/L/R/2/192 - Letter from J B HARVEY
193 - GSL/L/R/2/193 - Letter from Robert MACCALLEN
194 - GSL/L/R/2/194 - Letter from James William HAMOND
195 - GSL/L/R/2/195 - Letter from John GIBSON
196 - GSL/L/R/2/196 - Letter from William Jory HENWOOD
197 - GSL/L/R/2/197 - Letter from William Branwhite CLARKE
198 - GSL/L/R/2/198 - Letter from Mr Tufnell, the ADMIRALTY
199 - GSL/L/R/2/199 - Letter from the ORDNANCE SURVEY
200 - GSL/L/R/2/200 - Letter from James S HODSON, bookseller
201 - GSL/L/R/2/201 - Letter from Henry ENGLEHEART
203 - GSL/L/R/2/203 - Letter from James Scott BOWERBANK
204 - GSL/L/R/2/204 - Letter from William Devonshire SAULL
205 - GSL/L/R/2/205 - Letter from William John BRODERIP
206 - GSL/L/R/2/206 - Letter from Robert Edmond GRANT
207 - GSL/L/R/2/207 - Letter from William H ALLEN & Co
208 - GSL/L/R/2/208 - Letter from James MITCHELL
209a - GSL/L/R/2/209a - Letter from Decimus BURTON
209b - GSL/L/R/2/209b - Letter from the Royal Geographical Society
210 - GSL/L/R/2/210 - Letter from Meyer de SENEGAL
211 - GSL/L/R/2/211 - Letter from William ANSTICE
212 - GSL/L/R/2/212 - Letter from the CLARENCE CLUB
213 - GSL/L/R/2/213 - Letter from Mr Harwood
214 - GSL/L/R/2/214 - Letter from James MITCHELL
215 - GSL/L/R/2/215 - Letter from David WILLIAMS
216 - GSL/L/R/2/216 - Letter from James Scott BOWERBANK
217 - GSL/L/R/2/217 - Letter from Friedrich Adolf ROEMER
218 - GSL/L/R/2/218 - Letter from William BUCKLAND
219 - GSL/L/R/2/219 - Letter from the EAST INDIA ARMY AGENCY
220 - GSL/L/R/2/220 - Letter from the EAST INDIA ARMY AGENCY
221 - GSL/L/R/2/221 - Letter from Decimus BURTON
222 - GSL/L/R/2/222 - Letter from John LHOTSKY
224 - GSL/L/R/2/224 - Letter from William John BRODERIP
225 - GSL/L/R/2/225 - Letter from Hugh Edwin STRICKLAND
226 - GSL/L/R/2/226 - Letter from Mr PARKER
227 - GSL/L/R/2/227 - Letter from John TAYLOR
228 - GSL/L/R/2/228 - Letter from Charles STOKES
229 - GSL/L/R/2/229 - Letter from William CUBITT
230 - GSL/L/R/2/230 - Letter from James William HAMOND
231 - GSL/L/R/2/231 - Letter from the GENERAL POST OFFICE
232 - GSL/L/R/2/232 - Letter from the ORDNANCE SURVEY
233 - GSL/L/R/2/233 - Letter from the ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY
234 - GSL/L/R/2/234 - Letter from Catherine NELSON
235 - GSL/L/R/2/235 - Letter from William Perceval HUNTER
236 - GSL/L/R/2/236 - Memorandum by William LONSDALE
237 - GSL/L/R/2/237 - Letter from Basil HALL
238 - GSL/L/R/2/238 - Letter from Joseph Barclay PENTLAND
239 - GSL/L/R/2/239 - Letter from William Branwhite CLARKE
240 - GSL/L/R/2/240 - Letter from David WILLIAMS
241 - GSL/L/R/2/241 - Letter from the OFFICE OF WOODS AND FORESTS
242 - GSL/L/R/2/242 - Letter from James BLACK
243 - GSL/L/R/2/243 - Letter from John Claudius LOUDON
244 - GSL/L/R/2/244 - Letter from Francis LOONEY
245 - GSL/L/R/2/245 - Letter from J TALBOT jnr
246 - GSL/L/R/2/246 - Letter from the ADMIRALTY
247 - GSL/L/R/2/247 - Letter from William John BRODERIP
248 - GSL/L/R/2/248 - Letter from James SOMERVILLE
249 - GSL/L/R/2/249 - Letter from Robert BROWN
250 - GSL/L/R/2/250 - Letter from the OFFICE OF ORDNANCE
251 - GSL/L/R/2/251 - Letter from John PHILLIPS
252 - GSL/L/R/2/252 - Letter from the INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS
253 - GSL/L/R/2/253 - Letter from William STANGER
254 - GSL/L/R/2/254 - Letter from the INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS
255 - GSL/L/R/2/255 - Letter from James VETCH
256 - GSL/L/R/2/256 - Letter from Dr MACDONALD
257 - GSL/L/R/2/257 - Letter from the ROYAL INSTITUTION
258 - GSL/L/R/2/258 - Letter from Thomas PAULL
259 - GSL/L/R/2/259 - Letter from William GRAY jnr
260 - GSL/L/R/2/260 - Letter from William HARDING
261 - GSL/L/R/2/261 - Letter from William John BRODERIP
262 - GSL/L/R/2/262 - Letter from William STANGER
263 - GSL/L/R/2/263 - Letter from Charles STOKES
264 - GSL/L/R/2/264 - Letter from the INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS
265 - GSL/L/R/2/265 - Letter from James William HAMOND
266 - GSL/L/R/2/266 - Letter from William Charles HENRY
267 - GSL/L/R/2/267 - Letter from William Edmond LOGAN
268 - GSL/L/R/2/268 - Letter from Benjamin TUCKER
269 - GSL/L/R/2/269 - Letter from Robert HUTTON
270 - GSL/L/R/2/270 - Letter from William HARDING
271 - GSL/L/R/2/271 - Letter from Henry HOLLAND
272 - GSL/L/R/2/272 - Letter from Thomas WEAVER
273 - GSL/L/R/2/273 - Letter from David WILLIAMS
274 - GSL/L/R/2/274 - Letter from Hugh Edwin STRICKLAND
275 - GSL/L/R/2/275 - Letter from John TAYLOR
276 - GSL/L/R/2/276 - Letter from Monsieur PUZOS
277 - GSL/L/R/2/277 - Letter from Travers TWISS
278 - GSL/L/R/2/278 - Letter from Joseph COWHURST
279 - GSL/L/R/2/279 - Letter from the NEW LONDON MAGAZINE
280 - GSL/L/R/2/280 - Letter from Mr JERDAN
281 - GSL/L/R/2/281 - Letter from James YATES
282 - GSL/L/R/2/282 - Letter from Charles LEMON
283 - GSL/L/R/2/283 - Letter from William WHEWELL
284 - GSL/L/R/2/284 - Letter from William BUCKLAND
285 - GSL/L/R/2/285 - Letter from the ORDNANCE SURVEY
286 - GSL/L/R/2/286 - Letter from Thomas WATSON
287 - GSL/L/R/2/287 - Letter from William Branwhite CLARKE
288 - GSL/L/R/2/288 - Letter from John Pye SMITH
289 - GSL/L/R/2/289 - Letter from W Henry ENGLISH
290 - GSL/L/R/2/290 - Letter from Benjamin BROMLEY
291 - GSL/L/R/2/291 - Letter from Hugh Edwin STRICKLAND
292 - GSL/L/R/2/292 - Letter from John Henry PHILIPPS
293 - GSL/L/R/2/293 - Letter from Robert HUTTON
Expand 3 - GSL/L/R/3 - Secretary's In Letters, 1837-18383 - GSL/L/R/3 - Secretary's In Letters, 1837-1838
Expand 4 - GSL/L/R/4 - Secretary's In Letters, 1838-18394 - GSL/L/R/4 - Secretary's In Letters, 1838-1839
Expand 5 - GSL/L/R/5 - Secretary's In Letters, 1839-18405 - GSL/L/R/5 - Secretary's In Letters, 1839-1840
Expand 6 - GSL/L/R/6 - Secretary's In Letters, 1840-18416 - GSL/L/R/6 - Secretary's In Letters, 1840-1841
Expand 7 - GSL/L/R/7 - Secretary's In Letters, 1842-18437 - GSL/L/R/7 - Secretary's In Letters, 1842-1843
Expand 8 - GSL/L/R/8 - Secretary's In Letters, 1843-18448 - GSL/L/R/8 - Secretary's In Letters, 1843-1844
Expand 9 - GSL/L/R/9 - Secretary's In Letters, 1844-18469 - GSL/L/R/9 - Secretary's In Letters, 1844-1846
Expand 10 - GSL/L/R/10 - Secretary's In Letters, 1847-184810 - GSL/L/R/10 - Secretary's In Letters, 1847-1848
Expand 11 - GSL/L/R/11 - Secretary's In Letters, 1848-185111 - GSL/L/R/11 - Secretary's In Letters, 1848-1851
Expand 12 - GSL/L/R/12 - Secretary's In Letters, 1851-185312 - GSL/L/R/12 - Secretary's In Letters, 1851-1853
Expand 13 - GSL/L/R/13 - Secretary's In Letters, 1853-185613 - GSL/L/R/13 - Secretary's In Letters, 1853-1856
Expand 14 - GSL/L/R/14 - Secretary's In Letters, 1856-185914 - GSL/L/R/14 - Secretary's In Letters, 1856-1859
15 - GSL/L/R/15 - Secretary's In Letters, 1859-1863
Expand 16 - GSL/L/R/16 - Secretary's In Letters, 1863-186416 - GSL/L/R/16 - Secretary's In Letters, 1863-1864
Expand 17 - GSL/L/R/17 - Secretary's In Letters, 1863, 1865-186617 - GSL/L/R/17 - Secretary's In Letters, 1863, 1865-1866
Expand 18 - GSL/L/R/18 - Secretary's In Letters, 1867-187118 - GSL/L/R/18 - Secretary's In Letters, 1867-1871
Expand 19 - GSL/L/R/19 - Secretary's In Letters, 1872-188019 - GSL/L/R/19 - Secretary's In Letters, 1872-1880
20 - GSL/L/R/20 - Secretary's In Letters - Acknowledgements
Expand 21 - GSL/L/R/21 - Secretary's In Letters, 1903-192021 - GSL/L/R/21 - Secretary's In Letters, 1903-1920
Expand 22 - GSL/L/R/22 - Secretary's In Letters, 1921-193222 - GSL/L/R/22 - Secretary's In Letters, 1921-1932
23 - GSL/L/R/23 - Dispute between Percy George Hannah Boswell and Owen Thomas Jones, 1937-1939
24 - GSL/L/R/24 - Enquiries about the De La Beche and Sternberg medals
25 - GSL/L/R/25 - Letters in defence of Piltdown Man
26 - GSL/L/R/26 - Letters received, 1958-1962
Expand S - GSL/L/S - Assistant Secretary's Out LettersS - GSL/L/S - Assistant Secretary's Out Letters
Expand T - GSL/L/T - Treasurer's Out LettersT - GSL/L/T - Treasurer's Out Letters
Expand LIB - GSL/LIB - Library RecordsLIB - GSL/LIB - Library Records
Expand MUS - GSL/MUS - Museum RecordsMUS - GSL/MUS - Museum Records
Expand OB - GSL/OB - Artefacts and Museum objectsOB - GSL/OB - Artefacts and Museum objects
Expand OBIT - GSL/OBIT - Obituaries & biographical informationOBIT - GSL/OBIT - Obituaries & biographical information
Expand OM - GSL/OM - Ordinary MeetingsOM - GSL/OM - Ordinary Meetings
Expand PH - GSL/PH - Images of the interior and exterior of Burlington HousePH - GSL/PH - Images of the interior and exterior of Burlington House
Expand PLAN - GSL/PLAN - Plans of the Society's rooms and apartmentsPLAN - GSL/PLAN - Plans of the Society's rooms and apartments
Expand POR - GSL/POR - PortraitsPOR - GSL/POR - Portraits
Expand PRES - GSL/PRES - President's filesPRES - GSL/PRES - President's files
Expand PUB - GSL/PUB - Publications Department RecordsPUB - GSL/PUB - Publications Department Records
Expand SG - GSL/SG - Specialist Groups and Joint AssociationsSG - GSL/SG - Specialist Groups and Joint Associations
Expand SGM - GSL/SGM - Special General MeetingsSGM - GSL/SGM - Special General Meetings
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