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Expand 1 - GSL/L/R/1 - Secretary's In Letters, 1834-18351 - GSL/L/R/1 - Secretary's In Letters, 1834-1835
Expand 2 - GSL/L/R/2 - Secretary's In Letters, 1835-18372 - GSL/L/R/2 - Secretary's In Letters, 1835-1837
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15 - GSL/L/R/15 - Secretary's In Letters, 1859-1863
Expand 16 - GSL/L/R/16 - Secretary's In Letters, 1863-186416 - GSL/L/R/16 - Secretary's In Letters, 1863-1864
Expand 17 - GSL/L/R/17 - Secretary's In Letters, 1863, 1865-186617 - GSL/L/R/17 - Secretary's In Letters, 1863, 1865-1866
Expand 18 - GSL/L/R/18 - Secretary's In Letters, 1867-187118 - GSL/L/R/18 - Secretary's In Letters, 1867-1871
Expand 19 - GSL/L/R/19 - Secretary's In Letters, 1872-188019 - GSL/L/R/19 - Secretary's In Letters, 1872-1880
20 - GSL/L/R/20 - Secretary's In Letters - Acknowledgements
Collapse 21 - GSL/L/R/21 - Secretary's In Letters, 1903-192021 - GSL/L/R/21 - Secretary's In Letters, 1903-1920
Expand 22 - GSL/L/R/22 - Secretary's In Letters, 1921-193222 - GSL/L/R/22 - Secretary's In Letters, 1921-1932
23 - GSL/L/R/23 - Dispute between Percy George Hannah Boswell and Owen Thomas Jones, 1937-1939
24 - GSL/L/R/24 - Enquiries about the De La Beche and Sternberg medals
25 - GSL/L/R/25 - Letters in defence of Piltdown Man
26 - GSL/L/R/26 - Letters received, 1958-1962
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