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GSL - GSL - Records of the Geological Society of London
AGM - GSL/AGM - Annual General Meetings
ARC - GSL/ARC - Archives and Conservation records
AT - GSL/AT - Attendance books
AW - GSL/AW - Diplomas, formal addresses and award citations
BCN - GSL/BCN - Bicentennial Celebrations
CEN - GSL/CEN - Centenary celebrations
CFN - GSL/CFN - Conferences, lectures, meetings and events
CM - GSL/CM - Council Minutes and Papers
COM - GSL/COM - Committees of Council
E - GSL/E - Education Department
EO - GSL/EO - Elected Officers
EPH - GSL/EPH - Ephemera
ES - GSL/ES - Executive Secretary
F - GSL/F - Fellowship and Membership Records
FIN - GSL/FIN - Financial Records
GD - GSL/GD - Records of the Geological Society Club, later Discussion Group
GS - GSL/GS - Charter & Bye-laws, regulations
L - GSL/L - Letterbooks and letters
F - GSL/L/F - Letters relating to Fellows and Foreign Members
MISC - GSL/L/MISC - Miscellaneous letters
P - GSL/L/P - Post and Parcel Books
R - GSL/L/R - Secretary's In Letters
1 - GSL/L/R/1 - Secretary's In Letters, 1834-1835
2 - GSL/L/R/2 - Secretary's In Letters, 1835-1837
3 - GSL/L/R/3 - Secretary's In Letters, 1837-1838
4 - GSL/L/R/4 - Secretary's In Letters, 1838-1839
5 - GSL/L/R/5 - Secretary's In Letters, 1839-1840
6 - GSL/L/R/6 - Secretary's In Letters, 1840-1841
7 - GSL/L/R/7 - Secretary's In Letters, 1842-1843
8 - GSL/L/R/8 - Secretary's In Letters, 1843-1844
9 - GSL/L/R/9 - Secretary's In Letters, 1844-1846
10 - GSL/L/R/10 - Secretary's In Letters, 1847-1848
11 - GSL/L/R/11 - Secretary's In Letters, 1848-1851
12 - GSL/L/R/12 - Secretary's In Letters, 1851-1853
13 - GSL/L/R/13 - Secretary's In Letters, 1853-1856
14 - GSL/L/R/14 - Secretary's In Letters, 1856-1859
15 - GSL/L/R/15 - Secretary's In Letters, 1859-1863
16 - GSL/L/R/16 - Secretary's In Letters, 1863-1864
17 - GSL/L/R/17 - Secretary's In Letters, 1863, 1865-1866
18 - GSL/L/R/18 - Secretary's In Letters, 1867-1871
19 - GSL/L/R/19 - Secretary's In Letters, 1872-1880
20 - GSL/L/R/20 - Secretary's In Letters - Acknowledgements
21 - GSL/L/R/21 - Secretary's In Letters, 1903-1920
1 - GSL/L/R/21/1 - Letter from Charles Barrois
2 - GSL/L/R/21/2 - Letter from Acheson Batchelor, Heraldic Stationer
3 - GSL/L/R/21/3 - Letter from Leo Louis BELINFANTE
4 - GSL/L/R/21/4 - Letter from Clyde Henderson Black
5 - GSL/L/R/21/5 - Letter from Thomas Owen BOSWORTH
6 - GSL/L/R/21/6 - Letter from Thomas Owen BOSWORTH
7 - GSL/L/R/21/7 - Letter from Grenville Arthur James Cole
8 - GSL/L/R/21/8 - Letter from Arthur Morley Davies
9 - GSL/L/R/21/9 - Correspondence between the Society and Manchester Museum
10 - GSL/L/R/21/10 - Letter from Prof William Boyd Dawkins
11 - GSL/L/R/21/11 - Letter from Harold Downes
12 - GSL/L/R/21/12 - Proceedings against Arthur John Fry Gibbons
13 - GSL/L/R/21/13 - Letter from Alfred Harker
16 - GSL/L/R/21/16 - Letter from Baker Hudson
17 - GSL/L/R/21/17 - Letter from Henry George Lyons
18 - GSL/L/R/21/18 - Complaints from Horace W Monckton
19 - GSL/L/R/21/19 - Letter from Richard Dixon Oldham
20 - GSL/L/R/21/20 - Letter from Louis Revolon
21 - GSL/L/R/21/21 - Letters from S H Reynolds
22 - GSL/L/R/21/22 - Richard Kenneth Richardson's candidature
23 - GSL/L/R/21/23 - Letter from Carle Salter
24 - GSL/L/R/21/24 - Letter from William Whitehead Watts
25 - GSL/L/R/21/25 - Letters from Henry Woodward
26 - GSL/L/R/21/26 - Suggestions for the meeting on publications
22 - GSL/L/R/22 - Secretary's In Letters, 1921-1932
23 - GSL/L/R/23 - Dispute between Percy George Hannah Boswell and Owen Thomas Jones, 1937-1939
24 - GSL/L/R/24 - Enquiries about the De La Beche and Sternberg medals
25 - GSL/L/R/25 - Letters in defence of Piltdown Man
26 - GSL/L/R/26 - Letters received, 1958-1962
S - GSL/L/S - Assistant Secretary's Out Letters
T - GSL/L/T - Treasurer's Out Letters
LIB - GSL/LIB - Library Records
MUS - GSL/MUS - Museum Records
OB - GSL/OB - Artefacts and Museum objects
OBIT - GSL/OBIT - Obituaries & biographical information
OM - GSL/OM - Ordinary Meetings
PH - GSL/PH - Images of the interior and exterior of Burlington House
PLAN - GSL/PLAN - Plans of the Society's rooms and apartments
POR - GSL/POR - Portraits
PRES - GSL/PRES - President's files
PUB - GSL/PUB - Publications Department Records
SG - GSL/SG - Specialist Groups and Joint Associations
SGM - GSL/SGM - Special General Meetings
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