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Collapse GSL - GSL - Records of the Geological Society of LondonGSL - GSL - Records of the Geological Society of London
Expand AGM - GSL/AGM - Annual General MeetingsAGM - GSL/AGM - Annual General Meetings
Expand ARC - GSL/ARC - Archives and Conservation recordsARC - GSL/ARC - Archives and Conservation records
Expand AT - GSL/AT - Attendance booksAT - GSL/AT - Attendance books
Expand AW - GSL/AW - Diplomas, formal addresses and award citationsAW - GSL/AW - Diplomas, formal addresses and award citations
Expand BCN - GSL/BCN - Bicentennial CelebrationsBCN - GSL/BCN - Bicentennial Celebrations
Expand CEN - GSL/CEN - Centenary celebrationsCEN - GSL/CEN - Centenary celebrations
Expand CFN - GSL/CFN - Conferences, lectures, meetings and eventsCFN - GSL/CFN - Conferences, lectures, meetings and events
Expand CM - GSL/CM - Council Minutes and PapersCM - GSL/CM - Council Minutes and Papers
Expand COM - GSL/COM - Committees of CouncilCOM - GSL/COM - Committees of Council
Expand E - GSL/E - Education DepartmentE - GSL/E - Education Department
Expand EO - GSL/EO - Elected OfficersEO - GSL/EO - Elected Officers
Expand EPH - GSL/EPH - EphemeraEPH - GSL/EPH - Ephemera
Expand ES - GSL/ES - Executive SecretaryES - GSL/ES - Executive Secretary
Expand F - GSL/F - Fellowship and Membership RecordsF - GSL/F - Fellowship and Membership Records
Expand FIN - GSL/FIN - Financial RecordsFIN - GSL/FIN - Financial Records
Expand GD - GSL/GD - Records of the Geological Society Club, later Discussion GroupGD - GSL/GD - Records of the Geological Society Club, later Discussion Group
Expand GS - GSL/GS - Charter & Bye-laws, regulationsGS - GSL/GS - Charter & Bye-laws, regulations
Expand L - GSL/L - Letterbooks and lettersL - GSL/L - Letterbooks and letters
Expand LIB - GSL/LIB - Library RecordsLIB - GSL/LIB - Library Records
Expand MUS - GSL/MUS - Museum RecordsMUS - GSL/MUS - Museum Records
Expand OB - GSL/OB - Artefacts and Museum objectsOB - GSL/OB - Artefacts and Museum objects
Expand OBIT - GSL/OBIT - Obituaries & biographical informationOBIT - GSL/OBIT - Obituaries & biographical information
Expand OM - GSL/OM - Ordinary MeetingsOM - GSL/OM - Ordinary Meetings
Expand PH - GSL/PH - Images of the interior and exterior of Burlington HousePH - GSL/PH - Images of the interior and exterior of Burlington House
Expand PLAN - GSL/PLAN - Plans of the Society's rooms and apartmentsPLAN - GSL/PLAN - Plans of the Society's rooms and apartments
Collapse POR - GSL/POR - PortraitsPOR - GSL/POR - Portraits
1 - GSL/POR/1 - Portrait of Mary ANNING
2 - GSL/POR/2 - Portrait of William BABINGTON
3 - GSL/POR/3 - Portrait of Thomas George BONNEY
4 - GSL/POR/4 - Portrait of William BUCKLAND
5 - GSL/POR/5 - Portrait of Henry Thomas DE LA BECHE
6 - GSL/POR/6 - Portrait of Archibald GEIKIE
7 - GSL/POR/7 - Portrait of Arthur HOLMES
8 - GSL/POR/8 - Portrait of Thomas Henry HUXLEY
9 - GSL/POR/9 - Portrait of Charles LYELL
10 - GSL/POR/10 - Portrait of Gideon Algernon MANTELL
11 - GSL/POR/11 - Portrait of William PENGELLY
12 - GSL/POR/12 - Portrait of John PHILLIPS
13 - GSL/POR/13 - Portrait of Joseph PRESTWICH
14 - GSL/POR/14 - Portrait of Andrew Crombie RAMSAY
15 - GSL/POR/15 - Portrait of William SMITH
16 - GSL/POR/16 - Portrait of Abraham Gottlob Werner
17 - GSL/POR/17 - Portrait of Henry WOODWARD
18 - GSL/POR/18 - The British Association at Newcastle
19 - GSL/POR/19 - 'Discussion on the Piltdown Skull' painting
20 - GSL/POR/20 - Bust of James Scott BOWERBANK
21 - GSL/POR/21 - Bust of Archibald Geikie
22 - GSL/POR/22 - Bust of George Bellas GREENOUGH
23 - GSL/POR/23 - Bust of Sir Charles Lyell
24 - GSL/POR/24 - Bust of Charles Lyell
25 - GSL/POR/25 - Bust of John MacCulloch
26 - GSL/POR/26 - Bust of Roderick Impey Murchison
27 - GSL/POR/27 - Bust of Adam SEDGWICK
28 - GSL/POR/28 - Bust of William Smith
29 - GSL/POR/29 - Relief portrait of James Hutton
30 - GSL/POR/30 - Wax Portrait of Abraham Gottlob Werner
31 - GSL/POR/31 - Medal with portrait of Georges Cuvier, 1834
32 - GSL/POR/32 - Medal with portrait of Henry Thomas De la Beche
33 - GSL/POR/33 - Medal with portrait of Charles Deperet, 1930
34 - GSL/POR/34 - Medal with portrait of Orville Derby
Expand 35 - GSL/POR/35 - Medal with portrait of John Evans35 - GSL/POR/35 - Medal with portrait of John Evans
36 - GSL/POR/36 - Medal with portrait of Francois Alphonse Forel
37 - GSL/POR/37 - Medal with portrait of Wilhelm Karl von Haidinger
38 - GSL/POR/38 - Medal with portrait of Maurice Lugeon
Expand 39-40 - GSL/POR/39-40 - Medals with portrait of Kaspar Maria Sternberg39-40 - GSL/POR/39-40 - Medals with portrait of Kaspar Maria Sternberg
41 - GSL/POR/41 - Medallion with portrait of William Whitaker, 1928
42 - GSL/POR/42 - Medallion with portrait of Henry Woodward
Expand 43 - GSL/POR/43 - Portraits of Fellows elected between 1812-1891 (A-D & W)43 - GSL/POR/43 - Portraits of Fellows elected between 1812-1891 (A-D & W)
Expand 44 - GSL/POR/44 - Portraits of Fellows elected between 1824-1891 (D-H)44 - GSL/POR/44 - Portraits of Fellows elected between 1824-1891 (D-H)
Expand 45 - GSL/POR/45 - Portraits of Fellows elected between 1819-1888 (H-M)45 - GSL/POR/45 - Portraits of Fellows elected between 1819-1888 (H-M)
Expand 46 - GSL/POR/46 - Portraits of Fellows elected between 1809-1894 (M-S)46 - GSL/POR/46 - Portraits of Fellows elected between 1809-1894 (M-S)
Expand 47 - GSL/POR/47 - Portraits of Fellows elected between 1836-1898 (S-W)47 - GSL/POR/47 - Portraits of Fellows elected between 1836-1898 (S-W)
Expand 48 - GSL/POR/48 - Portraits of Fellows elected between 1838-190348 - GSL/POR/48 - Portraits of Fellows elected between 1838-1903
Expand 49 - GSL/POR/49 - Portraits of Fellows elected between 1865-190549 - GSL/POR/49 - Portraits of Fellows elected between 1865-1905
Expand 50 - GSL/POR/50 - Portraits of Fellows elected between 1859-191250 - GSL/POR/50 - Portraits of Fellows elected between 1859-1912
Collapse 51 - GSL/POR/51 - Portraits of Foreign Fellows and Correspondents, 1861-191251 - GSL/POR/51 - Portraits of Foreign Fellows and Correspondents, 1861-1912
01-1 - GSL/POR/51/01-1 - Portrait of Hermann ABICH
01-2 - GSL/POR/51/01-2 - Portrait of Prof Jean Rodolphe Louis AGASSIZ
01-3 - GSL/POR/51/01-3 - Portrait of Dr Friedrich Johann BECKE
01-4 - GSL/POR/51/01-4 - Portrait of Prof Charles Jules Edme BRONGNIART
02-1 - GSL/POR/51/02-1 - Portrait of Jean-Baptiste Armand Louis Léonce ELIE DE BEAUMONT
02-2 - GSL/POR/51/02-2 - Portrait of Marcel BERTRAND
02-4 - GSL/POR/51/02-4 - Portrait of Prof Waldemar Christopher BROGGER
03-1 - GSL/POR/51/03-1 - Portrait of Prof Charles BARROIS
03-2 - GSL/POR/51/03-2 - Portrait of Joachim BARRANDE
03-3 - GSL/POR/51/03-3 - Portrait of George Jarvis BRUSH
03-4 - GSL/POR/51/03-4 - Portrait of Prof Hans Bruno GEINITZ
04-1 - GSL/POR/51/04-1 - Portrait of M J BOSQUET
04-2 - GSL/POR/51/04-2 - Portrait of Don Antonio del CASTILO
04-3 - GSL/POR/51/04-3 - Portrait of Francois Leopold CORNET
04-4 - GSL/POR/51/04-4 - Portrait of Dr Hermann CREDNER
05-1 - GSL/POR/51/05-1 - Portrait of Prof Alfred Louis Olivier Legrand DES CLOIZEAUX
05-2 - GSL/POR/51/05-2 - Portrait of Henri COQUAND
05-3 - GSL/POR/51/05-3 - Portrait of Prof Carl Bernhard von COTTA
05-4 - GSL/POR/51/05-4 - Portrait of Gustav Honore COTTEAU
06-1 - GSL/POR/51/06-1 - Portrait of Dr William Healey DALL
06-2 - GSL/POR/51/06-2 - Portrait of Dr Henry [Henrich] von DECHEN
06-3 - GSL/POR/51/06-3 - Portrait of Gustave Frederic DOLLFUS
06-4 - GSL/POR/51/06-4 - Portrait of Dr Erich Dagobert von DRYGALSKI
07-1 - GSL/POR/51/07-1 - Portrait of Joachim BARRANDE, aged 40
07-2 - GSL/POR/51/07-2 - Portrait of Prof Charles Emerson BEECHER
08-1 - GSL/POR/51/08-1 - Portrait of Count Vitaliano BORROMEO
08-2 - GSL/POR/51/08-2 - Portrait of Dr Ami BOUÉ
09-1 - GSL/POR/51/09-1 - Portrait of Dr Ami BOUÉ
09-2 - GSL/POR/51/09-2 - Portrait of Prof Gérard Paul DESHAYES
09-3 - GSL/POR/51/09-3 - Portrait of Gilles Joseph Gustave DEWALQUE
09-4 - GSL/POR/51/09-4 - Portrait of Louis DOLLO
10-1 - GSL/POR/51/10-1 - Portrait of Prof Wilhelm Barnim DAMES
10-2 - GSL/POR/51/10-2 - Portrait of Prof Auguste DAUBREE
10-3 - GSL/POR/51/10-3 - Portrait of Jules Pierre François Stanislaus DESNOYERS
10-4 - GSL/POR/51/10-4 - Portrait of Edouard DESOR
11-1 - GSL/POR/51/11-1 - Portrait of Alphonse MILNE-EDWARDS
11-2 - GSL/POR/51/11-2 - Portrait of Prof Christian Gottfried EHRENBERG
11-3 - GSL/POR/51/11-3 - Portrait of Baron Constantin von ETTINGHAUSEN
11-4 - GSL/POR/51/11-4 - Portrait of Dr Anton FRITSCH
12-1 - GSL/POR/51/12-1 - Portrait of Prof Alphonse FAVRE
12-2 - GSL/POR/51/12-2 - Portrait of Prof Alphonse FAVRE
12-3 - GSL/POR/51/12-3 - Portrait of Francois Louis Paul GERVAIS
12-4 - GSL/POR/51/12-4 - Portrait of Prof Jules GOSSELET
13-1 - GSL/POR/51/13-1 - Portrait of Albert Jean GAUDRY
13-2 - GSL/POR/51/13-2 - Portrait of Prof Dr Paul Henrich GROTH
13-3 - GSL/POR/51/13-3 - Portrait of Dr Carl Wilhelm GÜMBEL
13-4 - GSL/POR/51/13-4 - Portrait of Guglielmo GUISCARDI
14-1 - GSL/POR/51/14-1 - Portrait of Prof Bartolomeo GASTELDI
14-2 - GSL/POR/51/14-2 - Portrait of Rev Prof Oswald HEER
14-3 - GSL/POR/51/14-3 - Portrait of Gen Gregor von HELMERSEN
14-4 - GSL/POR/51/14-4 - Portrait of Dr Ferdindand von HOCHSTETTER
15-1 - GSL/POR/51/15-1 - Portrait of Alphonse BRIART
15-2 - GSL/POR/51/15-2 - Portrait of Prof Giovanni CAPELLINI
16-1 - GSL/POR/51/16-1 - Portrait of Dr Ferdinand Vandeveer HAYDEN
16-2 - GSL/POR/51/16-2 - Portrait of Alpheus HYATT
17-1 - GSL/POR/51/17-1 - Portrait of Dr Wilhelm K von HAIDINGER
17-2 - GSL/POR/51/17-2 - Portrait of Dr Ferdinand Vandeveer HAYDEN
17-3 - GSL/POR/51/17-3 - Portrait of Prof Dr Albert HEIM
17-4 - GSL/POR/51/17-4 - Portrait of Dr Moriz Hoernes
18-1 - GSL/POR/51/18-1 - Portrait of Dr Franz Ritter von HAUER
18-2 - GSL/POR/51/18-2 - Portrait of Prof Edmond HÉBERT
18-3 - GSL/POR/51/18-3 - Portrait of Prof Arvid Gustaf HÖGBOM
18-4 - GSL/POR/51/18-4 - Portrait of Prof Arturo ISSEL
19-1 - GSL/POR/51/19-1 - Portrait of Dr Johann Jacob KAUP
19-2 - GSL/POR/51/19-2 - Portrait of Dr Theodor KJERULF
19-3 - GSL/POR/51/19-3 - Portrait of Maj Gen Nicolai J von KOKSHAROW
20-1 - GSL/POR/51/20-1 - Portrait of Alexander Petrovich KARPINSKY
20-2 - GSL/POR/51/20-2 - Portrait of Friedrich Heinrich Emmanuel KAYSER
20-3 - GSL/POR/51/20-3 - Portrait of Prof Dr Anton KOCH
20-4 - GSL/POR/51/20-4 - Portrait of Prof Dr Laurent-Guillame de KONINCK
21-1 - GSL/POR/51/21-1 - Portrait of Felix KARRER
21-2 - GSL/POR/51/21-2 - Portrait of Prof Franz von KOBELL
21-3 - GSL/POR/51/21-3 - Portrait of Prof Ernst KOKEN
21-4 - GSL/POR/51/21-4 - Portrait of Prof Bundjiro KOTO
22-1 - GSL/POR/51/22-1 - Portrait of Prof Adolph von KOENEN
22-2 - GSL/POR/51/22-2 - Portrait of Prof Franz Youlievich LOEWINSON-LESSING
22-3 - GSL/POR/51/22-3 - Portrait of Prof Guiseppe de LORENZO
23-1 - GSL/POR/51/23-1 - Portrait of Prof Joseph Paxson IDDINGS
23-2 - GSL/POR/51/23-2 - Bust of General Count Alberto Ferrero DELLA MARMORA
24-1 - GSL/POR/51/24-1 - Portrait of Prof Thomas Chrowder CHAMBERLIN
24-2 - GSL/POR/51/24-2 - Portrait of Prof John Mason CLARKE
25-1 - GSL/POR/51/25-1 - Portrait of Arnold ESCHER VON DER LINTH
25-2 - GSL/POR/51/25-2 - Portrait of Prof Dr Johannes LEHMANN
25-3 - GSL/POR/51/25-3 - Portrait of Prof Leo LESQUEREUX
25-4 - GSL/POR/51/25-4 - Portrait of Prof Theodor LIEBISCH
26-1 - GSL/POR/51/26-1 - Portrait of Prof Albert Auguste de LAPPARENT
26-2 - GSL/POR/51/26-2 - Portrait of Prof Louis LARTET
26-3 - GSL/POR/51/26-3 - Portrait of Charles Louis Perceval de LORIOL-LE-FORT
26-4 - GSL/POR/51/26-4 - Portrait of Sven LOVÉN
27-1 - GSL/POR/51/27-1 - Portrait of Dr Joseph LEIDY
27-2 - GSL/POR/51/27-2 - Portrait of Prof J P LESLEY
27-3 - GSL/POR/51/27-3 - Portrait of Prof Karl August LOSSEN
28-1 - GSL/POR/51/28-1 - Portrait of Jules MARCOU
28-2 - GSL/POR/51/28-2 - Portrait of Count Augustus Frederic MARSCHALL
28-3 - GSL/POR/51/28-3 - Portrait of Dr Charles MARTINS
28-4 - GSL/POR/51/28-4 - Portrait of Prof Peter MERIAN
29-1 - GSL/POR/51/29-1 - Portrait of Dr Johann August Edler von Mojsvar MOJSISOVICS
29-2 - GSL/POR/51/29-2 - Portrait of Prof Alfred Gabriel NATHORST
29-3 - GSL/POR/51/29-3 - Portrait of Karl Friedrich NAUMANN
29-4 - GSL/POR/51/29-4 - Portrait of Dr Sven NILSSON
30-1 - GSL/POR/51/30-1 - Portrait of Prof Melchior NEUMAYR
30-2 - GSL/POR/51/30-2 - Portrait of Prof Adolf Erik NORDENSKIOLD
30-3 - GSL/POR/51/30-3 - Portrait of Jacques Boucher de PERTHES
30-4 - GSL/POR/51/30-4 - Photograph of a portrait bust of Jacques Boucher de PERTHES
31-1 - GSL/POR/51/31-1 - Portrait of Dr William Healey DALL
31-2 - GSL/POR/51/31-2 - Portrait of James Dwight DANA
32-1 - GSL/POR/51/32-1 - Portrait of Dr Oscar Freidrich von FRAAS
32-2 - GSL/POR/51/32-2 - Portrait of Prof Henry Fairfield OSBORN
33-1 - GSL/POR/51/33-1 - Portrait of Dr Aléxis Petrovich PAVLOV
33-2 - GSL/POR/51/33-2 - Portrait of Giuseppe di Tomaso PONZI
33-3 - GSL/POR/51/33-3 - Portrait of Prof Friedrich August von QUENSTEDT
33-4 - GSL/POR/51/33-4 - Portrait of Prof Friedrich August von QUENSTEDT
34-1 - GSL/POR/51/34-1 - Portrait of Prof William Burton ROGERS
34-2 - GSL/POR/51/34-2 - Portrait of Prof Gustav ROSE
34-3 - GSL/POR/51/34-3 - Portrait of Prof Heinrich ROSENBUSCH
34-4 - GSL/POR/51/34-4 - Portrait of Prof August ROTHPLETZ
35-1 - GSL/POR/51/35-1 - Portrait of Prof Gerhard vom RATH
35-2 - GSL/POR/51/35-2 - Portrait of Prof Eugène D RENEVIER
35-3 - GSL/POR/51/35-3 - Portrait of Dr Carl Ferdinand ROEMER
35-4 - GSL/POR/51/35-4 - Portrait of Prof Ludwig RÜTIMEYER
36-1 - GSL/POR/51/36-1 - Portrait of Dr Hans Henrik REUSCH
36-2 - GSL/POR/51/36-2 - Portrait of Prof Dr August Emil Ritter REUSS
37-1 - GSL/POR/51/37-1 - Portrait of Major John Wesley POWELL
37-2 - GSL/POR/51/37-2 - Portrait of Prof Juan VILANOVA Y PIERA
38-1 - GSL/POR/51/38-1 - Portrait of Count Hermann Graf zu SOLMS-LAUBACH
38-2 - GSL/POR/51/38-2 - Portrait of Frank SPRINGER
39-1 - GSL/POR/51/39-1 - Portrait of Prof Federico SACCO
39-2 - GSL/POR/51/39-2 - Portrait of Prof Wilhelm Philipp SCHIMPER
39-3 - GSL/POR/51/39-3 - Portrait of Prof Antonio STOPPANI
39-4 - GSL/POR/51/39-4 - Portrait of Dionys STUR
40-1 - GSL/POR/51/40-1 - Portrait of Count Gaston de SAPORTA
40-2 - GSL/POR/51/40-2 - Portrait of Quintino SELLA
40-3 - GSL/POR/51/40-3 - Portrait of Prof Giuseppe SEQUENZA
40-4 - GSL/POR/51/40-4 - Portrait of Prof Angelo SISMONDA
41-1 - GSL/POR/51/41-1 - Portrait of Dr Jakob Johannes SEDERHOLM
41-2 - GSL/POR/51/41-2 - Portrait of Dr Johannes Japetus Smith STEENSTRUP
41-3 - GSL/POR/51/41-3 - Portrait of Prof Eduard SUESS
41-4 - GSL/POR/51/41-4 - Portrait of Prof Dr Joseph SZABO
42-1 - GSL/POR/51/42-1 - Portrait of Dr Per Johan HOLMQUIST
42-2 - GSL/POR/51/42-2 - Portrait of Prof Carl Ludwig Fridolin von SANDBERGER
43-1 - GSL/POR/51/43-1 - Portrait of Prof Gregorio STEFANESEN
43-2 - GSL/POR/51/43-2 - Portrait of Charles Abiathar WHITE
44-1 - GSL/POR/51/44-1 - Portrait of George Huntingdon WILLIAMS
44-2 - GSL/POR/51/44-2 - Portrait of Prof Samuel Wendell WILLISTON
45-1 - GSL/POR/51/45-1 - Portrait of Dr Thorvaldr THORODDSEN
45-2 - GSL/POR/51/45-2 - Portrait of Dr Emil Ernest August TIETZE
45-3 - GSL/POR/51/45-3 - Portrait of Dr Emil Ernest August TIETZE
45-4 - GSL/POR/51/45-4 - Portrait of Dr Sven Leonhard TORNQUIST
46-1 - GSL/POR/51/46-1 - Portrait of Prof Maurice LUGEON
46-2 - GSL/POR/51/46-2 - Portrait of Dr Charles Doolittle WALCOTT
46-3 - GSL/POR/51/46-3 - Portrait of Baron Sartorious von WALTERSHAUSEN
46-4 - GSL/POR/51/46-4 - Portrait of Prof Johannes WALTHER
47-1 - GSL/POR/51/47-1 - Portrait of Abraham Gottlob WERNER
47-2 - GSL/POR/51/47-2 - Portrait of Prof Josiah Dwight WHITNEY
47-3 - GSL/POR/51/47-3 - Portrait of Dr Tiberius Cornelius WINKLER
48-1 - GSL/POR/51/48-1 - Portrait of Baron Achille de ZIGNO
48-2 - GSL/POR/51/48-2 - Portrait of Prof Ferdinand ZIRKEL
48-3 - GSL/POR/51/48-3 - Portrait of Prof Dr Karl Alfred von ZITTEL
Expand 52 - GSL/POR/52 - Portraits of Foreign Fellows and Correspondents, 1869-193152 - GSL/POR/52 - Portraits of Foreign Fellows and Correspondents, 1869-1931
Expand 53 - GSL/POR/53 - Portraits of Presidents of the Geological Society of London53 - GSL/POR/53 - Portraits of Presidents of the Geological Society of London
Expand 54 - GSL/POR/54 - Photographs of the President and Officers of the Society54 - GSL/POR/54 - Photographs of the President and Officers of the Society
Expand 55 - GSL/POR/55 - Portraits of winners of medals and funds55 - GSL/POR/55 - Portraits of winners of medals and funds
Expand 56 - GSL/POR/56 - Portraits of Fellows who were chiefly active in the nineteenth century56 - GSL/POR/56 - Portraits of Fellows who were chiefly active in the nineteenth century
Expand 57 - GSL/POR/57 - Portraits of Fellows who were chiefly active in the twentieth century57 - GSL/POR/57 - Portraits of Fellows who were chiefly active in the twentieth century
Expand 58 - GSL/POR/58 - Portraits of early Fellows offprinted from Horace B Woodward's 'The History of the Geological Society of London'58 - GSL/POR/58 - Portraits of early Fellows offprinted from Horace B Woodward's 'The History of the Geological Society of London'
Expand 59 - GSL/POR/59 - Portraits of mostly Foreign Members, addressed to H G Seeley59 - GSL/POR/59 - Portraits of mostly Foreign Members, addressed to H G Seeley
Expand 60 - GSL/POR/60 - Photographs of Foreign Members and Correspondents60 - GSL/POR/60 - Photographs of Foreign Members and Correspondents
Expand 61 - GSL/POR/61 - Portraits of geologists and others who were not Fellows of the Society61 - GSL/POR/61 - Portraits of geologists and others who were not Fellows of the Society
Expand 62 - GSL/POR/62 - Staff of the Geological Society62 - GSL/POR/62 - Staff of the Geological Society
Expand 63 - GSL/POR/63 - Photographs of conferences and organisations63 - GSL/POR/63 - Photographs of conferences and organisations
64 - GSL/POR/64 - Opening of the Publishing House in Bath
65 - GSL/POR/65 - Portrait of Jethro Justinian Harris Teall
66 - GSL/POR/66 - Bust of Hugh FALCONER
67 - GSL/POR/67 - Portrait of Bernard Elgey LEAKE
68 - GSL/POR/68 - Portrait of William Joscelyn ARKELL
69 - GSL/POR/69 - Geological Society Medals
Expand 70 - GSL/POR/70 - Obituary portraits of Fellows70 - GSL/POR/70 - Obituary portraits of Fellows
71 - GSL/POR/71 - Charcoal sketch portrait of Janet Vida Watson
72 - GSL/POR/72 - Portrait of Janet Vida Watson
73 - GSL/POR/73 - Portrait of Charles LYELL
74 - GSL/POR/74 - Photographs of the Council of the Geological Society
75 - GSL/POR/75 - Photographs of Honorary Fellows of the Geological Society
76 - GSL/POR/76 - Colourised portrait of Sir Richard Griffith
77 - GSL/POR/77 - Modern statuette of Charles Darwin
Expand PRES - GSL/PRES - President's filesPRES - GSL/PRES - President's files
Expand PUB - GSL/PUB - Publications Department RecordsPUB - GSL/PUB - Publications Department Records
Expand SG - GSL/SG - Specialist Groups and Joint AssociationsSG - GSL/SG - Specialist Groups and Joint Associations
Expand SGM - GSL/SGM - Special General MeetingsSGM - GSL/SGM - Special General Meetings
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