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LDGSL - LDGSL - Deposited papers series
1 - LDGSL/1 - Letters and papers on scientific subjects submitted to the Society, 1808-1817
2 - LDGSL/2 - Letters submitted to the Society, 1811-1815
3 - LDGSL/3 - Letters and papers on scientific subjects submitted to the Society, 1793-1835
4 - LDGSL/4 - Society correspondence, 1808-1854
5 - LDGSL/5 - Letters to George Bellas Greenough on the election of new members
6 - LDGSL/6 - 'Extract of a letter...on the subterranean sounds heard at Nakoos, Egypt'
7 - LDGSL/7 - BA Committee to 'inquire into the distribution of Coal over the Globe'
8 - LDGSL/8 - Letter from William PENGELLY on the Brixham Cave
9 - LDGSL/9 - Letters from the METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS on boring for water at Crossness
10 - LDGSL/10 - Recruitment of a geologist for the survey expedition to Kimberley, Western Australia
11 - LDGSL/11 - Proposed bathymetrical survey of the lochs of Scotland
12 - LDGSL/12 - 'Science-myth' of Fingal's Cave
13 - LDGSL/13 - Relief fund for Miss Mary Doran
14 - LDGSL/14 - Letters to Leonard Horner as President of the Geological Society, 1859-1863
15 - LDGSL/15 - Letters to William Sweetland DALLAS, on the museum, publications and other topics
16 - LDGSL/16 - Letters to William Sweetland DALLAS, on Fellowship issues
17 - LDGSL/17 - Henry Lewis PHILLIPS' fraud conviction and resignation from the Society
18 - LDGSL/18 - General Society correspondence, 1890-1907
19 - LDGSL/19 - Notices on the publication and sale of the Society's Transactions and Journal
20 - LDGSL/20 - Dinner menus
22 - LDGSL/22 - William Smith's Geological Map of England & Wales
23 - LDGSL/23 - Newscuttings on coal in Yorkshire
24 - LDGSL/24 - Learned Societies Registration Act - draft Parliamentary Bill
25 - LDGSL/25 - Account of the displacement of a boulder in Culloden apparently by the wind
26 - LDGSL/26 - 'Geological Rambles around Montreal and its Vicinity'
27 - LDGSL/27 - 'Extracts from a Geological Survey of the Yorkshire Coast'
28 - LDGSL/28 - 'The Pamir Earthquake of 1911 and its consequences...' [English translation]
29 - LDGSL/29 - 'Uncle Jack', tribute to Dr Lewis Moysey
30 - LDGSL/30 - Maps of the Trichinopoly district of India
31 - LDGSL/31 - WW2 Soil map of Bocholt, Germany
32 - LDGSL/32 - WW2 military training pamphlets
33 - LDGSL/33 - 'Tabular view of Mr Aikin's system of Mineralogy'
34 - LDGSL/34 - Manuscript tracts on altitudes and canal levels
35 - LDGSL/35 - 'Catalogue of minerals and organic remains found in...Midhurst'
36 - LDGSL/36 - Italian tracts on Sicily and Mount Etna
37 - LDGSL/37 - 'Deux mots d'explication de la carte géologique...’
38 - LDGSL/38 - ALEXANDER, Frances Elizabeth Somerville (1908-1958)
39 - LDGSL/39 - MACFADYEN, William Archibald (1893-1985)
40 - LDGSL/40 - 'Tabular and proportional view of the superior, supermedial and medial rocks'
41 - LDGSL/41 - Draft citation for the award of the Wollaston Medal to William Buckland
42 - LDGSL/42 - Letter from Dennis Curry
43 - LDGSL/43 - Book - 'Institute of Jamaica. Popular Lectures. Fifth series...'
44 - LDGSL/44 - Pengelly Medal
45 - LDGSL/45 - Arrangements for the publication of the 'Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society'
46 - LDGSL/46 - Problems with the publication of Samuel Sharp's paper 'Oolites of Northamptonshire'
47 - LDGSL/47 - George William STOW's proposed memoir on Griqualand West, South Africa
48 - LDGSL/48 - Accusations of plagiarism against Edward John Dunn's in his paper on diamonds
49 - LDGSL/49 - Prints of Piccadilly
50 - LDGSL/50 - Letters from Joseph Prestwich regarding the proofs of a paper on the Darent Valley
51 - LDGSL/51 - Complaints by the Rev A Irving about the procedures at Ordinary Meetings
52 - LDGSL/52 - Sir John Lubbock's Swiss nummulites
53 - LDGSL/53 - Paper, 'Sketch of the Geology of the South-western Part of Somersetshire'
54 - LDGSL/54 - HUTTON, William (1797-1860)
55 - LDGSL/55 - Paper, 'Notes on the Silurian strata in the neighbourhood of Christiana in Norway'
56 - LDGSL/56 - BUCKLAND, William (1784-1856)
57 - LDGSL/57 - SEDGWICK, Adam (1785-1873)
58 - LDGSL/58 - Report on the Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Upper Waini River, North West District [British Guiana]
59 - LDGSL/59 - 'Extrait du rapport sur un crane d'un Bos taurus primigenius...'
60 - LDGSL/60 - 'Geognostische Charte des Koenigreichs Wurtemberg'
61 - LDGSL/61 - Papers on the geology of Egypt
62 - LDGSL/62 - Geological reports on oilfields and petroleum sources in Trinidad
63 - LDGSL/63 - Notes on coal by Marie Stopes
64 - LDGSL/64 - 'Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews' by T H HUXLEY
65 - LDGSL/65 - Rizzi Zannoni's maps of the Bay Naples
66 - LDGSL/66 - Paper, 'The application of Engineering Research to Tropical Problems'
67 - LDGSL/67 - 'Criticisms of three papers on the Zambezi Gorge...'
68 - LDGSL/68 - Map and memoir on the geology around Swan River, Western Australia
69 - LDGSL/69 - LOFTUS, William Kennett (c.1821-1858)
70 - LDGSL/70 - Abstract of paper, 'On some arrow-heads and other instruments a limestone Cavern at Massat near Tarascon in Languedoc'
71 - LDGSL/71 - "On a remarkable volcanic tuff from near Kingston, Jamaica..."
72 - LDGSL/72 - Short paper, 'Brief preliminary note on a large Coal Measure reptile from the Low Main Coal Shale, Northumberland'
73 - LDGSL/73 - HAWKSHAW, John Clarke (1841-1921)
74 - LDGSL/74 - MORTIMER, John Robert (1825-1911)
75 - LDGSL/75 - Despatch on a peat landslide at Port Stanley, Falkland Islands
76 - LDGSL/76 - Biographical notes for the obituary of Dunbar Thomas Douglas, 6th Earl of Selkirk
77 - LDGSL/77 - Criticisms of William Cunnington's paper on 'Plateau Man'
78 - LDGSL/78 - MACCULLOCH, John (1773-1835)
79 - LDGSL/79 - 'Section of the strata sunk through to the second bed of rock salt at Witton near Northwich'
80 - LDGSL/80 - Paintings of fossil sponges from the Upper Greensand of the Isle of Wight
81 - LDGSL/81 - Plans of dykes in Donegal and Fermanagh, Ireland
82 - LDGSL/82 - WINCH, Nathaniel John (1768-1838)
83 - LDGSL/83 - 'Plan of a whin dyke as it has occurred at Walker Colliery....'
84 - LDGSL/84 - 'Section of Morwell Down Hill on the tunnel of the Tavistock Canal in the County of Devon'
85 - LDGSL/85 - BENNET, Henry Grey (1777-1836)
86 - LDGSL/86 - Lithograph of fossil rhinoceros crania, jaws and teeth
88 - LDGSL/88 - Drawing of coastal sections showing Walmer to Folkestone and Sangatt to St Pot (France)
89 - LDGSL/89 - Plans, sections and panoramas illustrating the geology of the east of Ireland
90 - LDGSL/90 - Watercolour of strata on the lower rapid of the Msta, above Borovichy
91 - LDGSL/91 - 'Geological Map of Norfolk'
92 - LDGSL/92 - Plan and sections of trap dykes and raised beaches on Jura, Scotland
93 - LDGSL/93 - Proof print of 'Geological map of a district of the west of Sussex...'
94 - LDGSL/94 - Lithograph, 'Panoramic view from Strawberry Hill...Jamaica'
95 - LDGSL/95 - Three horizontal sections through Arctic Canada
96 - LDGSL/96 - Drawing of 'Tusk of mammoth found on the Knole Sand, 20 miles from the Coast of Norfolk at sea'
97 - LDGSL/97 - Lithograph of the fossil fox of Oeningen, Switzerland
98 - LDGSL/98 - Tracts - meteorology
99 - LDGSL/99 - Drawings of fossil mammal bones from a cave in Wellington Valley, New South Wales, Australia
100 - LDGSL/100 - Drawing of an incomplete plesiosaur skeleton from near Whitby, North Yorkshire
101 - LDGSL/101 - Watercolour of a fossil tortoise from Oeningen, Switzerland
102 - LDGSL/102 - Map with geological colouring and manuscript sections of the area around Ludlow
103 - LDGSL/103 - Geological colouring and notes on a map of the Forest of Dean and the surrounding area
104 - LDGSL/104 - Views of syenite intrusions in Antrim, Northern Ireland
105 - LDGSL/105 - Drawings of fossil fish from the Lancashire Coalfield
106 - LDGSL/106 - Lithograph of bones of 'birds' from the Wealden of Tilgate Forest, West Sussex
107 - LDGSL/107 - Section near the 'Southern extremity of the Lickey Range, Worcester and Birmingham Canal, Tardebigg'
108 - LDGSL/108 - Painting of Plesiosaurus macrocephalus from Lyme Regis
110 - LDGSL/110 - Sections of the Grauwacke System in Devon and Cornwall
111 - LDGSL/111 - Section of the strata above the fossil trees at Clifton, near Manchester
112 - LDGSL/112 - Geological sections through southern Ireland
113 - LDGSL/113 - Drawings of a fossil fish and fossil plant from Morayshire
114 - LDGSL/114 - Watercolour of 'Gigantic pair of fossil horns' from South Africa
115 - LDGSL/115 - Six geological sections in Bohemia
116 - LDGSL/116 - Lithograph of the hind fin of an ichthyosaur from Barrow-on-Soar, Leicestershire
117 - LDGSL/117 - Drawings of teeth of two Labyrinthodon
118 - LDGSL/118 - Geological maps, sections and drawings of fossils from Waterford Haven, Ireland
119 - LDGSL/119 - Geological sections and drawings around Cape Town, South Africa
120 - LDGSL/120 - Sections of Tertiary and Quaternary strata in the Loire Valley, France
121 - LDGSL/121 - Section of 'The cliffs at Easton Bavent near Southwold', Suffolk
122 - LDGSL/122 - Drawings of bones from a Cetiosaurus
123 - LDGSL/123 - Geological sections through the coalfield of Pennsylvania
124 - LDGSL/124 - 'Fossil insects from the Upper Lias of Dumbleton Hill, Gloucestershire'
125 - LDGSL/125 - Drawings of trace fossils from the Jurassic bone bed at Wainlode, Gloucestershire
126 - LDGSL/126 - Painting of 'Fossil fruits from the Chalk formation of the South East of England'
127 - LDGSL/127 - Painting of fossils from Mr Bensted's quarry near Maidstone, Kent
128 - LDGSL/128 - Painting of jawbones of chimaeroid fish
129 - LDGSL/129 - Drawings of fossil trees from Pondicherry, India
130 - LDGSL/130 - Proof print of figures of British fossil starfish
131 - LDGSL/131 - Proof print of figures of a fossil plant
132 - LDGSL/132 - Sections of trap rock in Bleadon railway cutting
133 - LDGSL/133 - Proofs and a drawing of corals and bryozoa from New Jersey, USA
134 - LDGSL/134 - Geological sections around the Gulf of Smyrna, Turkey
135 - LDGSL/135 - Proofs of figures of ammonites from Bogota, Columbia
136 - LDGSL/136 - Paintings of the 'Pinnacle of chalk at Old Hythe Point', Norfolk
137 - LDGSL/137 - Drawings of Lower Greensand fossils in the Society's museum
138 - LDGSL/138 - Drawing of the fine structure of a fossil plant
139 - LDGSL/139 - Sections of Alum and Whitecliff Bay, Isle of Wight
140 - LDGSL/140 - Geological sections through North Wales
141 - LDGSL/141 - Maps and sections of the Isle of Man
142 - LDGSL/142 - Drawings and proof print of terebratulid brachiopods
143 - LDGSL/143 - Drawing of Sigillaria from Dukinfield, Manchester
144 - LDGSL/144 - Drawing of Plesiosaurus megacephalus
145 - LDGSL/145 - 'Section exposed by the excavation at the Steam Basin, Portsmouth'
146 - LDGSL/146 - Plan and section of Kent's Cavern, Devon
147 - LDGSL/147 - Drawings of fossil plants from the Carboniferous of New South Wales
148 - LDGSL/148 - Drawings of a brachiopod from Cincinnati
149 - LDGSL/149 - Drawing of Lepidotus semiserratus
150 - LDGSL/150 - Sections of the strata of Ridgway Hill, Dorset
151 - LDGSL/151 - Drawings of crinoids showing position of the mouth
152 - LDGSL/152 - Proof print of Pterichthys quadratus from Gamrie, Scotland
153 - LDGSL/153 - Print, dragonfly from the Lias of Dumbleton Hill, Gloucestershire
154 - LDGSL/154 - Lithograph, 'Sections and views illustrating the geology of the coal district of Western Australia'
155 - LDGSL/155 - On a memoir by James Hall, with drawings and a proof print of Orthoceras
156 - LDGSL/156 - Drawings of microfossils and septarian nodules from New Zealand
157 - LDGSL/157 - Sections of railway cuttings at Trowbridge and Westbury Ham
158 - LDGSL/158 - 'An east and west section of the Primary Series as developed in New Granada'
159 - LDGSL/159 - Drawings of microscopic structures from the Calcareous Grit of Yorkshire, 1850
160 - LDGSL/160 - Drawings and proofs of graptolites from Dumfriesshire
161 - LDGSL/161 - Drawings of fossil footprints from Hastings
162 - LDGSL/162 - Drawing of the fine structure of Calamites
163 - LDGSL/163 - Painting of a slab with fossil footprints from Elgin, Scotland
164 - LDGSL/164 - Paintings of 'Footsteps from the New Red Sandstone at Lymm in Cheshire'
165 - LDGSL/165 - Plans, sections and sketches of the coral reefs of the Bahamas
166 - LDGSL/166 - 'Geological map of South Africa constructed from personal researches’
167 - LDGSL/167 - Sections of a freshwater deposit in the drift of Huntingdonshire
168 - LDGSL/168 - Palaeogeographic maps of Britain in the Pleistocene and a table of deposits in southeast England, 1853
169 - LDGSL/169 - Geological sections in arctic Canada
170 - LDGSL/170 - Proof print of fossil sponges from Faringdon, Oxfordshire
171 - LDGSL/171 - 'Section showing the general characters of the gold-bearing rocks with their superficial detritus...'
172 - LDGSL/172 - Map and sections of strata near Orton Longueville, Cambridge
173 - LDGSL/173 - Painting of a fish jaw in flint from Manningtree, Essex
174 - LDGSL/174 - Painting, 'Pterichthys from the upper division of the Devonian strata of Moray'
175 - LDGSL/175 - Proof print of geoteuthids
176 - LDGSL/176 - Sections illustrating the correlation of the lower tertiaries of England, France and Belgium
177 - LDGSL/177 - Report on Camp Moreton coal mines, Spitzbergen
178 - LDGSL/178 - Drawing of tektites from Hardinge County, New South Wales
179 - LDGSL/179 - Pencil rubbings of fossil fish from Sydney, New South Wales
180 - LDGSL/180 - Drawings of caves and a fossil from Natal, South Africa
181 - LDGSL/181 - Drawings of trace fossils and a graptolite from Barlae, Scotland
182 - LDGSL/182 - Map and sections of the strata near Lesmahagow, Scotland
183 - LDGSL/183 - Carboniferous palaeogeographical map of 'Europe'
184 - LDGSL/184 - Plan and section of the cryolite deposit at Ivigtut, Greenland
185 - LDGSL/185 - Drawing of fossil footprints from Tintwhistle, Cheshire
186 - LDGSL/186 - Map and section of lignite at Bovey Tracey, with paintings of fossil plants
187 - LDGSL/187 - Maps of lava flow from Mauna Loa, Hawaii
188 - LDGSL/188 - Sketches of scenery and rocks around Sevastopol, Crimea, U.S.S.R
189 - LDGSL/189 - Sketch of a sandstone arch near Loch Greinord, Scotland
190 - LDGSL/190 - Charles Dawson Tracts 'Natural Gas in Sussex'
191 - LDGSL/191 - Drawing of a watermill at Bournarbashi, Turkey
192 - LDGSL/192 - Sketch of a chalkpit at Croydon, Surrey
193 - LDGSL/193 - Maps and sections of ironstone around Charing, Kent
194 - LDGSL/194 - Map and sections of the goldfields of Ballaarat, Australia
195 - LDGSL/195 - Drawings of sandstone columns at Allahdyn, Bulgaria
196 - LDGSL/196 - Plan and sections of mineral veins in Cuba and U.S.A.
197 - LDGSL/197 - Late Cretaceous world palaeogeographical map
198 - LDGSL/198 - Drawing of rock basins in granite, near Chagford, Devon
199 - LDGSL/199 - Painting of the vertebra of a whale from Malta
200 - LDGSL/200 - Section along the coast of Fifeshire from Burntisland to Anstruther
201 - LDGSL/201 - Strips of marbled paper illustrating rock structures
202 - LDGSL/202 - Drawing of microscopic growths of native copper from Llandudno Mine, Wales
203 - LDGSL/203 - Drawings and photographs of the skull of Zygomaturus/Nototherium from Australia
204 - LDGSL/204 - Ink drawings of banded flints from the chalk of southeast England
205 - LDGSL/205 - Plan and views of the Rhenosterberg, South Africa
206 - LDGSL/206 - Geological map of the Lias near Carlisle
207 - LDGSL/207 - Proof print of the scutes of Crocodilus hastingsiae
208 - LDGSL/208 - Drawings and proof prints of fossil shells from Nagpur, India
209 - LDGSL/209 - Watercolours and map of the volcanic region around Auckland
210 - LDGSL/210 - Drawing of a freshwater Cardium
211 - LDGSL/211 - Photographs of whale bones from Spitzbergen
212 - LDGSL/212 - 'Section of strata very carefully the making the large well for the Gosport waterworks'
213 - LDGSL/213 - Watercolours of Cumana after the 1853 earthquake and the Morros of San Juan, Venezuela
214 - LDGSL/214 - Drawing of the fern Cyclopteris from Nova Scotia, Canada
215 - LDGSL/215 - Sections of strata in Bolivia and Peru
216 - LDGSL/216 - Geological map of the southwest highlands of Scotland
217 - LDGSL/217 - Geological map of the area around Montrose
218 - LDGSL/218 - Sections and sketches of the Malvern and Ledbury tunnels
219 - LDGSL/219 - Paintings and drawings of fossil plants from Nagpur, India
220 - LDGSL/220 - Drawings of a bone tool and teeth from caves at Massat, France
221 - LDGSL/221 - Plans and sections of granite boulders in West Rosewarne Mine, Cornwall
222 - LDGSL/222 - Drawings of Sigillaria from Nova Scotia, Canada
223 - LDGSL/223 - Plans of Bovey Tracey lignite basin, Devon, with drawings of fossils and pyrite nodules
224 - LDGSL/224 - Drawings of implements, teeth and antlers from Wookey Hole, Somerset
225 - LDGSL/225 - Map, 'Principal soundings of the Lake of Geneva...'
226 - LDGSL/226 - Sections of Lindal Cote Mine, near Ulverston, Cumbria
227 - LDGSL/227 - Photographs of Devonian plants from New York
228 - LDGSL/228 - Drawings of a split boulder and a dyke on Little and Great Cumbrae, Scotland,
229 - LDGSL/229 - Geological map and sections of part of Nova Scotia, Canada
230 - LDGSL/230 - Map and sections of the Masulipatam district of India
231 - LDGSL/231 - Section showing the relation of granite to sedimentary rocks in Jamaica
232 - LDGSL/232 - Geological map and section of the country east of Lake Baikal, Siberia
233 - LDGSL/233 - Maps of the rivers of Bengal, India
234 - LDGSL/234 - Sections and drawings of fossil footprints from Tarbat Ness, Scotland
235 - LDGSL/235 - Chart of deepest water off Britain
236 - LDGSL/236 - Paintings of a fossil plant and concretion from Tanabe, Japan
237 - LDGSL/237 - Map and section of gravels near Thame, Oxfordshire
238 - LDGSL/238 - Maps and view of glacial features in the south of Scotland
239 - LDGSL/239 - Geological map and sections of Jamaica
240 - LDGSL/240 - Photographs of Eozoon and of drawings of its fine structure
241 - LDGSL/241 - Geological map and sections of the Malvern Hills
242 - LDGSL/242 - Geological maps and sections of Otago, New Zealand
243 - LDGSL/243 - Geological maps of the Crossfell inlier
244 - LDGSL/244 - Sketches of the geology of the River Jumna, India
245 - LDGSL/245 - Watercolours of growths of flos ferri
246 - LDGSL/246 - 'Geological map of the counties of St John, King's, Queen's and Albert, New Brunswick'
247 - LDGSL/247 - Map coloured to show the topography of the Medway basin
248 - LDGSL/248 - Map showing submerged forests around the coasts of England and Wales
249 - LDGSL/249 - Rough geological sections of the Rhaetic beds of South Wales
250 - LDGSL/250 - Geological sections and proofs of fossils from Jamaica and Trinidad
251 - LDGSL/251 - Geological map of the Isle of Man
252 - LDGSL/252 - Watercolour and proof lithograph of the crustacean Eryon
253 - LDGSL/253 - 'Section from Weston Point to Daresbury, Cheshire'
254 - LDGSL/254 - Ink drawings of magnified portions of Eozoon from the Laurentian of Canada
255 - LDGSL/255 - Map of the superficial deposits of south Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
256 - LDGSL/256 - Watercolours of belemnite phragmocones
257 - LDGSL/257 - 'Section from the Bristol Channel to Cardigan Bay through the County of Pembroke...'
258 - LDGSL/258 - Geological sections of the Alps and Carpathians
259 - LDGSL/259 - 'Section from the Medway through Upnor to Cockham Wood'
260 - LDGSL/260 - Drawings of three species of the crinoid Apiocrinites
261 - LDGSL/261 - Painting of 'A Devonshire trilobite'
262 - LDGSL/262 - Geological sections in Ayrshire, Scotland
263 - LDGSL/263 - Painting of a 'Fault at Ridgway', Dorset
264 - LDGSL/264 - Drawings of flint implements from Abbeville, France
265 - LDGSL/265 - Drawings of Jurassic bivalves
266 - LDGSL/266 - Sections of the Bavarian Alps
267 - LDGSL/267 - Drawings of fossil plants from the England-Scotland border
268 - LDGSL/268 - Temple Chambers lease
269 - LDGSL/269 - Temple Chambers, assignment of lease to Daniel Moore
270 - LDGSL/270 - Lincoln's Inn Fields, articles of agreement
271 - LDGSL/271 - 20 Bedford Street, lease and memorandum of an agreement
272 - LDGSL/272 - Somerset House, grant of rooms
273 - LDGSL/273 - Tracts of Edward James Jones
274 - LDGSL/274 - Somerset House, transfer of first floor rooms to the Society
275 - LDGSL/275 - Watercolours of fossil mollusca
276 - LDGSL/276 - Summons for non-payment of sewer rates with a letter
279 - LDGSL/279 - SUN FIRE OFFICE, insurance policies
280 - LDGSL/280 - ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY, insurance policies
281 - LDGSL/281 - Letters on the insurance of the contents of the Society's house
282 - LDGSL/282 - ‘Journal’, a record of the daily business of the Society's clerk
283 - LDGSL/283 - Employment bonds for William Lonsdale, Searles Valentine Wood and Charles Nichols
284 - LDGSL/284 - Employment bonds for C Low, R F Fenton and W W Leighton
285 - LDGSL/285 - 'Synoptical list of the editorial duties of the Assistant Secretary of the Geological Society'
286 - LDGSL/286 - Letters in support of William Sweetland DALLAS' application for the post of Assistant Secretary
287 - LDGSL/287 - Letter from William Rupert JONES, offering himself as Assistant in the Library
288 - LDGSL/288 - Solicitors' letters concerning the estate of William Wilson LEIGHTON
289 - LDGSL/289 - Letters in support of Francis Everard BROWN'S application for Assistant Clerk
290 - LDGSL/290 - Employment bond for Francis Everard BROWN
291 - LDGSL/291 - Leo Louis BELINFANTE, application for the post of Assistant Secretary
292 - LDGSL/292 - Employment bond for Leo Louis BELINFANTE
293 - LDGSL/293 - John CLARKE's appointment and dismissal as house porter
294 - LDGSL/294 - Leonard MERCER's application for the post of house porter
295 - LDGSL/295 - Henry FRANKLIN's appointment as house porter
296 - LDGSL/296 - Congratulatory addresses sent to the Society on its Centenary
297 - LDGSL/297 - Letters and telegrams of congratulation sent to the Society on its Centenary
309 - LDGSL/309 - 'History of the Geological Society of London', a volume of biographical notes and cuttings
310 - LDGSL/310 - Letter from the Rev William Henry EGERTON
311 - LDGSL/311 - Minutes of Ordinary Meetings of the Society, 1822-1823
312 - LDGSL/312 - Sketch of a Geological Society meeting in progress, Somerset House
313 - LDGSL/313 - Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting, 1831
314 - LDGSL/314 - News cuttings of papers read at Society meetings
316 - LDGSL/316 - Archibald GEIKIE, Anniversary Dinner speech
317 - LDGSL/317 - Legal opinion on the election of a President
318 - LDGSL/318 - Assignment of copyright in the geological map of England and Wales to the Society
319 - LDGSL/319 - Greenough Bust Fund
320 - LDGSL/320 - Cuvier Monument Fund
323 - LDGSL/323 - Acknowledgement of a loan exhibition of scientific instruments
324 - LDGSL/324 - Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee expenses
327 - LDGSL/327 - Geological colouring on the map 'Lanarkshire'
328 - LDGSL/328 - Geological colouring on a chart of Banff to the Ord of Caithness
329 - LDGSL/329 - Geological colouring and manuscript sections on a map of Northamptonshire and Warwickshire
330 - LDGSL/330 - Special committee relating to Edward CHARLESWORTH's application for the Museum Curatorship
331 - LDGSL/331 - Letter from Charles FRASER on his election
332 - LDGSL/332 - MAULL AND POLYBLANK, Carte de Visite series of Society Fellows
333 - LDGSL/333 - Nominations for Medals and Funds
335 - LDGSL/335 - ‘Geological map of the neighbourhood of Cambridge'
336 - LDGSL/336 - Printed ephemera relating to the Society's activities
337 - LDGSL/337 - Letters to Margaret Chorley CROSFIELD
338 - LDGSL/338 - Employment bonds for Mr and Mrs Patient, M St J Hope and A Grieg
339 - LDGSL/339 - 'Actual and theoretical sections of the London Tertiaries'
340 - LDGSL/340 - Paper 'Carnmenellis Granite'
341 - LDGSL/341 - Paper, 'The geology of the Upper Luangwa Valley, North-eastern Rhodesia'
342 - LDGSL/342 - Paper, 'The pre-Karoo landscape of the Lake Nyasa region'
343 - LDGSL/343 - Complaints to H M Treasury regarding the price rise of the Geological Survey's maps
346 - LDGSL/346 - Photograph of the OGM meeting on the exposure of the Piltdown fraud
347 - LDGSL/347 - Transcription of letter from Henry Warburton to William Phillips
348 - LDGSL/348 - FERMOR, Sir Lewis Leigh (1880-1954)
352 - LDGSL/352 - 'Geological Inquiries'
400 - LDGSL/400 - 'Drawings I'
401 - LDGSL/401 - Lithograph, 'Comparative view of the depth and elevation of remarkable mines in Great Britain and other countries'
402 - LDGSL/402 - 'A map of Cornwall comprehending a few of the principal towns and villages and the relative situation of such mines as have lately been worked and are now working'
403 - LDGSL/403 - 'A sketch of a section of Wheal Unity Tin Mine in Devonshire'
404 - LDGSL/404 - Geological maps and sections of the mining district of Cornwall
405 - LDGSL/405 - Paper, 'Explanatory notes and observations referring to a section of strata...of Alston Moor and at Dufton Fell'
406 - LDGSL/406 - 'Plan of the Manor of Alstone Moor in the County of Cumberland...'
407 - LDGSL/407 - Plans of lead mines in the Manor of Alston Moor
408 - LDGSL/408 - 'Section of the strata and of five veins in Arkindale, Yorkshire'
409 - LDGSL/409 - 'Diagram of throws and protrusion of shist into a vein.'
410 - LDGSL/410 - Print, 'Gold mines, County of Wicklow'
411 - LDGSL/411 - Six engraved plates of furnaces in smelting works in Siberia and of granite outcrops around Kolyvan
412 - LDGSL/412 - Coloured engravings of plans and sections of Stora Grufna coppermine, Sweden
413 - LDGSL/413 - Sections of gold workings near Adelong, by Iron Bark Creek and Sydney Flat Rocky River, New South Wales
414 - LDGSL/414 - Sections of strata in English coal mines
415 - LDGSL/415 - Section of strata in Bath Easton Coal Mine, Avon
416 - LDGSL/416 - Sections of Light Moor Wimsey Pit and Slaney's Dawley Deep Work, Salop
417 - LDGSL/417 - 'The strata at Wyken Colliery near Coventry...'
418 - LDGSL/418 - 'Section of a coal pit west of Dudley in the County of Stafford'
419 - LDGSL/419 - Section of 'Millfield Collieries near Bilston Staffordshire...'
420 - LDGSL/420 - Coloured engraved sections of common strata associated with coal sinkings near Wednesbury, Staffordshire
421 - LDGSL/421 - 'A section of Bradley Mine, near Bilston, shewing the various strata...’
422 - LDGSL/422 - 'A section of two holes filled with powder and sand to blast a rock'
423 - LDGSL/423 - Sections and plans of St Anthon's Colliery
424 - LDGSL/424 - 'Section of the strata at Beldon shafts near Blanchland in the County of Northumberland'
425 - LDGSL/425 - Sections through Gosforth Colliery
426 - LDGSL/426 - 'Plan of proposed Embankment and Public Terrace on the North Side of the Thames...'
427 - LDGSL/427 - View and section of Hetton Colliery in the County of Durham
428 - LDGSL/428 - Sections of South Wales Coal field
429 - LDGSL/429 - 'Section of red vein and big vein, South Wales'
430 - LDGSL/430 - ‘Section of the coal seams in the neighbourhood of Neath'
431 - LDGSL/431 - Fault in the coal workings at Cwm Sychan, Monmouthshire
432 - LDGSL/432 - 'Section of the coalfield at Rumney and Monmouthshire'
433 - LDGSL/433 - 'Section of Cyfarthfa Coalmine'
434 - LDGSL/434 - 'Section of the Cyfarthfa coal and mine strata'
435 - LDGSL/435 - 'Profile of the County of Clackmanan....and section of the strata'
436 - LDGSL/436 - 'Section of the strata of the main coalfield of the County of Clackmanan'
437 - LDGSL/437 - Map of the collieries around Kanturk, Ireland
438 - LDGSL/438 - Lithograph, 'Diagram illustrative of the statistics of the coal trade' of the eastern USA
439 - LDGSL/439 - Map of the mining district of Flintshire
440 - LDGSL/440 - Notes and colouring on 'Plan of the rivers Tyne and Wear from Tynemouth Bar to Bywell....'
441 - LDGSL/441 - Plan and section of the proposed Rotherhithe to Limehouse Tunnel [Thames Archway]
442 - LDGSL/442 - Section of the Rotherhithe to Limehouse Tunnel [Thames Archway]
443 - LDGSL/443 - Sections of wells at Portsmouth and Gosport
444 - LDGSL/444 - 'Section of the strata in digging a well at Twyford, near Acton, Middlesex'
445 - LDGSL/445 - Section of a well sunk at Hampstead Road Reservoir
446 - LDGSL/446 - Section of the 'Strata in sinking Kings well, Fort Townshend, Sheerness'
447 - LDGSL/447 - Print of a 'Section of the well sunk at the Bank of England, 1851’
448 - LDGSL/448 - 'Section of the fullers earth pits at Wavendon near Woburn, Bedfordshire'
449 - LDGSL/449 - 'Section of Compton Hill, Dorset, shewing boring'
450 - LDGSL/450 - John Farey's four horizontal sections of England
451 - LDGSL/451 - Map and sections of West Sussex
452 - LDGSL/452 - 'Section from Lancaster to Carlisle'
453 - LDGSL/453 - A geological section of the Greater Manchester area
454 - LDGSL/454 - Elias HALL's Sections and map of the strata across the coalfield of Lancashire
455 - LDGSL/455 - Horizontal and vertical sections of the Forest of Dean
456 - LDGSL/456 - Sections and plans from the 'Geological and mining report on the Leinster coal district'
457 - LDGSL/457 - Prints of the cliffs at Moens Klint, Denmark
458 - LDGSL/458 - Prints of the cliffs at Moens Klint and Stevens Klint
459 - LDGSL/459 - Geological sections around the River Rhine
460 - LDGSL/460 - Geological sections from 'Illustrations of the botany...of the Himalayan Mountains'
461 - LDGSL/461 - 'Perfiles geognosticos de los principales distritos minerales del Estado de Mexico'
462 - LDGSL/462 - 'Coupe du terrain du Cerro Mineral de Pasco'
463 - LDGSL/463 - Sections of strata in South America, possibly around Sao Paulo, Brazil
464 - LDGSL/464 - 'Great natural section from Cracow in Polen till the Tatra in Hungary through the whole Carpathian chain'
465 - LDGSL/465 - Engraving of an imaginary plan and sections displaying the Wernerian formations
466 - LDGSL/466 - Engraving of geological sections in Saxony
467 - LDGSL/467 - Drawing of a section of the Cape of Good Hope
468 - LDGSL/468 - Section of Table Mountain, Cape of Good Hope
469 - LDGSL/469 - 'A geological chart of the oolitic strata of the Cotswold Hills...'
470 - LDGSL/470 - 'Particulars of an artesian well at Praca St Paulo, Lisbon, by Baron D'Enscheque'
471 - LDGSL/471 - Geological section across North America
472 - LDGSL/472 - Lithograph of a section of an artesian well at Buenos Aires, Argentina
473 - LDGSL/473 - Geological and barometric section from Cartagena to the summit of Chinguasa, Colombia
474 - LDGSL/474 - Print, 'Coupe de St Menehoud a l’Ardenne par Montmedy et Izel (Jamoigne)'
475 - LDGSL/475 - Print, geological sections through the Paris Basin
476 - LDGSL/476 - 'Coupe geologique d'un puits foré dit artésien...’
477 - LDGSL/477 - Geological section from Hamburg to Heidelberg
478 - LDGSL/478 - Lithograph of geological sections around Gottingen
479 - LDGSL/479 - Drawing of geological sections in Bohemia
480 - LDGSL/480 - Geological maps of Laziale volcano and Monte di Tolfa, Italy
481 - LDGSL/481 - Geological section of 'Artesian well made at Christopher Stopes & Sons Eagle Brewery, Colchester
482 - LDGSL/482 - Drawings of well sections at Birkenhead, Hastings, Northampton, Warnham and Redhill
483 - LDGSL/483 - Drawing of a section of well sunk at Messrs,William Simpson & Co’s new factory, Grosvenor Road, Pimlico
484 - LDGSL/484 - PRING, John Daniel (fl 1852-1858)
485 - LDGSL/485 - 'General section of Tertiary rocks and coal, N W Borneo (Sarawak)'
486 - LDGSL/486 - Well section at Purmerende, Netherlands
487 - LDGSL/487 - Well sections at Grenelle and Passy, France
488 - LDGSL/488 - Plan, sketch and sections of the geology of Kashmir, India
489 - LDGSL/489 - 'Section of a well at the tannery of Mr Webb, Stowmarket'
490 - LDGSL/490 - Geological sections in Cape Province, South Africa
491 - LDGSL/491 - Map and sections of the country around Chatty, South Africa
492 - LDGSL/492 - Drawings of sections of the River Avon and a cave at Redland
494 - LDGSL/494 - 'A arte geodetica ou de medlicao, divisao e demarcacao das terras'
495 - LDGSL/495 - Objections to the Weald of Kent Canal
497 - LDGSL/497 - Lithograph, 'Tableau de l'etat du Globe a ses different ages…’
497a - LDGSL/497a - 'A estrada de ferro do Semmering nos Alpes Noricos da Austria'
498 - LDGSL/498 - Lithograph, ‘Tableau elementaire de geologie’
499 - LDGSL/499 - Engraving, 'Theoretical table of the most general European succession and deposition of strata and rocks which compose the crust of the Earth'
500 - LDGSL/500 - Lithograph, 'The diametric section of the principles and theories of geology'
501 - LDGSL/501 - 'Tabular view of the order of deposit and chronological succession of the principal European groups of stratified rocks'
502 - LDGSL/502 - Diagram showing the structure and strata of the Earth
503 - LDGSL/503 - Engraving, 'Coupe theorique des divers terrains roches et mineraux qui entrent dans le composition du sol du Bassin de Paris'
504 - LDGSL/504 - Lithograph, 'Jura in Deutschland nach Leit-Muscheln geordnet'
505 - LDGSL/505 - Print, 'A tabular view of volcanic phenomena...'
506 - LDGSL/506 - Broadsheet, 'A formacao de pedra de carvao'
507 - LDGSL/507 - Lithograph, 'Tableau synoptique des terrains et des principales couches minerales qui constituent le sol de Bassin Parisien'
508 - LDGSL/508 - Description and illustration of a seismometer
509 - LDGSL/509 - Print, 'Appearance of the Roundown Cliff at Dovor (sic) since the displacement by gunpowder'
510 - LDGSL/510 - Etching of a view of Handfast Point, Dorset
510b - LDGSL/510b - Geological map of the Isle of Wight
511 - LDGSL/511 - Aquatints of views around Dorset
512 - LDGSL/512 - Engraving, 'Roach rocks and chapel, Cornwall'
513 - LDGSL/513 - Lithograph, 'Cheese wring near Liskeard, Cornwall'
514 - LDGSL/514 - Watercolours of basalts at the Giants Causeway, Stirling Castle, Linton and Boscastle
515 - LDGSL/515 - Watercolour views of Magilligan rocks, County Derry, and the cliffs of Antrim
516 - LDGSL/516 - Engravings of views of the cliffs and sea stacks of the Orkneys and Ailsa Craig
517 - LDGSL/517 - Lithograph, 'Vues et coupes du cap de la Heve’
518 - LDGSL/518 - Print, two views of the French coast
519 - LDGSL/519 - Engraving, 'Immense catafalque et triste tombeau d'une partie des braves habitans de la valleé d'Arth'
520 - LDGSL/520 - Lithograph, 'Langkofel, montagne de dolomie en Tyrol'
521 - LDGSL/521 - Etchings of views of Mont Blanc, Mont St Gothard and central Switzerland
522 - LDGSL/522 - Lithograph, "L'Ile Julia le 29 Septembre 1831"
523 - LDGSL/523 - Engravings of caves on the islands of Antiparos and Milo, Greece
524 - LDGSL/524 - Etching, 'Vue du Mont Beschtau du Coté de l'Orient près de la Rivière Essentouk'
525 - LDGSL/525 - Watercolour, 'East view of Cape Pillar about 25 miles to the north entrance of the river Derwent, Van Diemen's Land'
526 - LDGSL/526 - Photographic views of a basalt quarry at Powk Hill near Walsall
527 - LDGSL/527 - Photographic views of the Isle of Portland, the Isle of Purbeck and two fossils
528 - LDGSL/528 - Engravings of the basalt columns of Staffa
529 - LDGSL/529 - Paintings of views, maps and sections of volcanoes, principally by George Poulett SCROPE
530 - LDGSL/530 - Watercolour view of huge boulder at Debre Doura in Kumaun, India
531 - LDGSL/531 - Printed, illustrated letter marking Leopold von Buch's death
532 - LDGSL/532 - Two lithographs from plates from SCHLAGINTWEIT's 'Atlas...der Alpen'
533 - LDGSL/533 - Lithographs of views of basalt columns in the Tunatta Goale, Transylvania
534 - LDGSL/534 - Paintings of various eruptions of Vesuvius
535 - LDGSL/535 - Lithograph of a view of Loch Assynt and Quinag Mountain from 'Siluria'
536 - LDGSL/536 - Photographic views of Vesuvius and Monte Somma, Italy
537 - LDGSL/537 - Photographic view of cliffs near Ilfracombe, Devon
538 - LDGSL/538 - Hydrogeology and stability of the Folkestone-Dover Chalk Block and the Channel Tunnel
539 - LDGSL/539 - Lithograph, 'View from the summit of Goatfell, Island of Arran'
540 - LDGSL/540 - Engravings of geological features in Cumberland and Durham
541 - LDGSL/541 - Lithograph of quartz crystals
542 - LDGSL/542 - Watercolour of a quartz crystal with asbestos inclusion
543 - LDGSL/543 - Coloured etching of specimen of smithsonite on fluorite from Rutland Cave near Matlock
544 - LDGSL/544 - BENETT, Etheldred (1775-1845)
545 - LDGSL/545 - Etching of 'Meteorolites' from Yorkshire, Scotland and Tipperary
546 - LDGSL/546 - Engraving of the 'Hope Pearl'
547 - LDGSL/547 - Drawing of a 'human fossil'
548 - LDGSL/548 - Lithographs of thin sections of British limestones
549 - LDGSL/549 - Etchings of the pellet-like fossils from the London Clay
550 - LDGSL/550 - Painting of trace fossils from the New Red Sandstone of High Peak Hill, Sidmouth
551 - LDGSL/551 - 'Photograph of the peculiar appearance of the rock surface... in a quarry of the Carboniferous Sandstone near Swansea'
552 - LDGSL/552 - Etching of a topaz crystal from Aberdeenshire
553 - LDGSL/553 - Printed prospectus for 'Icones Carpologicae', with illustrations of plant cells, 1849
554 - LDGSL/554 - Etching of Chara vulgaris
555 - LDGSL/555 - Drawing of a 'ligneous fossil from ye greensand at Maidstone, Kent'
556 - LDGSL/556 - Lithograph of wood and cone of Clathraria lyelli from Tilgate Forest
557 - LDGSL/557 - Lithograph, 'Fossil fucoids found in the New Red Sandstone formation, Cheshire...'
558 - LDGSL/558 - Mezzotint of a fossil horsetail from the Coal Measures of Dunkerton, near Bristol
560 - LDGSL/560 - Lithograph of petrified tree from Abercarn Colliery, Gwent
561 - LDGSL/561 - Paper, account of a fossil tree in the Coal Measures near Dudley, West Midlands
562 - LDGSL/562 - Lithograph, 'Fucoids'
563 - LDGSL/563 - Painting of a fossil fern frond from the Alps
564 - LDGSL/564 - Watercolour of a fossil cone from Newick, East Sussex
565 - LDGSL/565 - Section, 'Plan of the strata at Pounceford, near Burwash'
567 - LDGSL/567 - Nature prints of the cellular structure of plants
568 - LDGSL/568 - Lithographs of reconstructions of plant life in the 'Ubergang' and 'Steinkohlen' (Coal Measures) formations
569 - LDGSL/569 - Lithograph, 'Gigantic fossil fucus in the New Red Sandstone at Woodside on the River Mersey'
571 - LDGSL/571 - Drawings of fossils from the Red Crag of Suffolk
572 - LDGSL/572 - Paintings of fossils from the drift at Birdbrook in Essex
573 - LDGSL/573 - Watercolours of fossils from Hunstanton and Olney
574 - LDGSL/574 - Lithographs of fossil corals from the Mesozoic of France
575 - LDGSL/575 - Drawing of fossil coral from Midford, near Bath
576 - LDGSL/576 - Lithograph of the crinoid Apiocrinites
577 - LDGSL/577 - Lithograph of 'Apiocrinites rotundus, solid-footed, non-locomotive crinite'
578 - LDGSL/578 - Lithograph of 'an Astrocrinite discovered August 1839...'
579 - LDGSL/579 - Lithograph, 'Ollacrinus, a new genus of encrinite...'
580 - LDGSL/580 - Lithographs of fossil crinoid, fish and ichthyosaur from Lyme Regis, Dorset
581 - LDGSL/581 - Lithographs of a crinoid and the cow tree drawn on English lias, using fossil sepia
582 - LDGSL/582 - Lithographs of species of the crinoid Platcrinites
583 - LDGSL/583 - Lithographs of Actinocrinites expansus, Dimerocrinites icosydactylus and a New species of encrinite
584 - LDGSL/584 - Lithograph of the crinoid Pseudocrinites
585 - LDGSL/585 - Lithograph, Cidaris crenularis
586 - LDGSL/586 - Etching of 'Cidaris margaritifera from the chalk of Charlton, Kent'
587 - LDGSL/587 - Lithograph of two trilobites from Builth, Wales
588 - LDGSL/588 - Lithograph, 'A curious stone fossil of the trilobite kind, found near Great Barr, Staffordshire'
589 - LDGSL/589 - Wood engravings of a Jurassic crinoid and three Silurian trilobites
590 - LDGSL/590 - Lithographs of Pterygotus anglicus, Old Red Sandstone
591 - LDGSL/591 - Drawings of Jurassic crustaceans from Scarborough, Yorkshire
592 - LDGSL/592 - Engraving of the crania of a brachiopod
593 - LDGSL/593 - Etching, Productus scoticus
594 - LDGSL/594 - Lithographs of Productid brachiopods, gastropods and bivalves
595 - LDGSL/595 - Lithographs of ‘two views of a fossil bivalve allied to Diceras...’
596 - LDGSL/596 - Lithograph of 'Ovula tuberculosa'
597 - LDGSL/597 - Coloured etchings of fossil gastropods from Hauteville
598 - LDGSL/598 - Etching of 'Rostellaria Columbaria'
599 - LDGSL/599 - Ink wash drawing of the gastropod Phanerotinus cristatus
600 - LDGSL/600 - Lithograph of 'Actinoceras'
601 - LDGSL/601 - Three lithographs of ammonites
602 - LDGSL/602 - Drawings of ammonites from the Oxford Clay near Chippenham, Wiltshire
603 - LDGSL/603 - Lithographs of ammonites and belemnites from Christian Malford, Wiltshire
604 - LDGSL/604 - Lithograph of 'Ammonites heterophyllus'
605 - LDGSL/605 - Lithograph of 'Ammonites brookii'
606 - LDGSL/606 - 'On the Geology of East Norfolk'
607 - LDGSL/607 - Lithograph of fossils from the Isle of Wight 'engraved on a daguerreotype plate'
608 - LDGSL/608 - Lithograph of 'A Pecten with a spiny lip...'
609 - LDGSL/609 - Lithograph of 'fossils from the environs of Lewes'
610 - LDGSL/610 - Lithograph of 'Himalayan fossils'
611 - LDGSL/611 - Drawings of fossils from Melbury
612 - LDGSL/612 - Engravings of fossils of the Vicentia, Italy
613 - LDGSL/613 - Artwork for Louis Agassiz's 'Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles'
614 - LDGSL/614 - Unpublished artwork for Louis Agassiz's 'Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles'
615 - LDGSL/615 - Artwork for Louis Agassiz's 'Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles' & 'Monographie des Poissons Fossiles du Vieux Grès Rouge'
616 - LDGSL/616 - Paintings of fossil fish in the collections of Sir Phillip Egerton and the Earl of Enniskillen
617 - LDGSL/617 - Lithograph of 'The Orthagoriscus mola, or Sun Fish'
618 - LDGSL/618 - Lithograph, 'Salmo Lewesiensis, a remarkable fossil fish from the Sussex chalk'
619 - LDGSL/619 - Lithograph of Osmeroides mantelli
620 - LDGSL/620 - Painting of a fossil fish
621 - LDGSL/621 - Lithograph of a ‘Fossil fish in slate from Engi in the Canton Glarus'
622 - LDGSL/622 - Lithograph of a 'Fossil fish found near Stowe Nine Churches'
623 - LDGSL/623 - Painting of a 'fossil fish in a nodule of Lias'
624 - LDGSL/624 - Lithograph of a fossil fish jaw found in the blackband ironstone... Cleland, near Holytown, Lanarkshire'
625 - LDGSL/625 - Drawing of a slab bearing the marks of the fins of fish, from Mostyn, Clwyd
626 - LDGSL/626 - Lithographs, 'Footsteps of the Cheirotherium'
627 - LDGSL/627 - Lithograph, 'Impressions of a footstep and a fossil reed'
628 - LDGSL/628 - Lithograph,‘Imprinted slab from the New Red Sandstone at Weston, Cheshire’
629 - LDGSL/629 - Lithograph, 'Labyrinthodon bucklandi from the New Red Sandstone, Kenilworth'
630 - LDGSL/630 - Watercolour of a humerus from Saurodesmus robertsoni Seeley
631 - LDGSL/631 - Lithograph of the skeleton 'of a young Iguanodon'
632 - LDGSL/632 - Lithograph of a 'Fossil turtle in a nodule of Harwich cement-stone'
634 - LDGSL/634 - Drawings of a crocodile skull and an ichthyosaur jaw
635 - LDGSL/635 - Lithograph, 'The upper jaw of a fossil crocodile from Havre in the museum of the Academy of Geneva'
636 - LDGSL/636 - Engraving of 'Proteo-saurus', an ichthyosaur from Lyme Regis
637 - LDGSL/637 - Drawings of the sternum and paddle of an ichthyosaur from Watchet
638 - LDGSL/638 - Lithograph of 'A sketch of a fossil fish's skeleton in schistous stone found in 1818 at Watchet'
639 - LDGSL/639 - Lithograph of the skull of a crocodile with the eye, paddle and teeth of an ichthyosaur
640 - LDGSL/640 - Lithograph of an ichthyosaur skull 'from the Blue Lias, Lyme Regis, Dorset'
641 - LDGSL/641 - Paintings of a skull, thorax and paddle of an ichthyosaur from the Lias of Lyme Regis
642 - LDGSL/642 - Skull of an ichthyosaur painted with fossil sepia
643 - LDGSL/643 - Lithographs, 'A plesiosaur discovered in Lias at Bitton, Gloucestershire'
644 - LDGSL/644 - Etching of 'The paddle of a new species of Plesiosaurus discovered near Bedford'
645 - LDGSL/645 - Engraving of a limb bone of an ichthyosaur
646 - LDGSL/646 - Lithograph, 'Duria antiquior'
647 - LDGSL/647 - Lithograph, 'Jura Formation'
648 - LDGSL/648 - Lithograph of a skull of the recent pig, Babyrussa
649 - LDGSL/649 - Lithograph of the gigantic Greenland whale
653 - LDGSL/653 - Engraving of a skeleton of the Irish elk from near Waterford
654 - LDGSL/654 - Drawing of a section of strata east of Whitby and an elephant's tooth
655 - LDGSL/655 - Lithograph of a skeleton of a cave bear from Heinrich's Hole, Sundwig, Germany
656 - LDGSL/656 - Lithograph of an ox skull and bone
657 - LDGSL/657 - Lithograph of the teeth of a fossil elephant from near Crefeld [Krefeld]
658 - LDGSL/658 - Print, 'Rarissime ossa fossili di mammiferi...’
659 - LDGSL/659 - Ink wash drawings of an elephant limb bone from Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex
660 - LDGSL/660 - Lithograph of an elephant humerus 'from the cliff at Bacton, Norfolk'
661 - LDGSL/661 - Lithograph of the jaw of a rhinoceros
662 - LDGSL/662 - Etching of the skeleton of a small mammal from Switzerland
663 - LDGSL/663 - Lithograph, 'Skeleton of the Megatherium found near Buenos Ayres'
664 - LDGSL/664 - Lithographs of the bones of a Megatherium from the River Salado, Argentina
665 - LDGSL/665 - Lithograph of the skull of a Sivatherium from Perim, India
666 - LDGSL/666 - Nature prints of fossil fish from Glarus
667 - LDGSL/667 - Photograph of a fossil fish from Beirut, Lebanon
668 - LDGSL/668 - Photograph of the teeth of Coelodus gyrodoides
669 - LDGSL/669 - Photograph of the reptile Telerpeton elginense from Elgin, Scotland
670 - LDGSL/670 - Watercolour of a fossil elephant's tusk
671 - LDGSL/671 - Wash drawing of a mammalian scapula from Lake Geneva
672 - LDGSL/672 - Lithograph of the fossil jaws of a saw and swordfish
673 - LDGSL/673 - Photograph of a Cheirotherium footprint from Whitley Green
674 - LDGSL/674 - Lithograph of fossil footprints from Connecticut River, USA
675 - LDGSL/675 - Lithographs of Devonian fish from 'Siluria'
676 - LDGSL/676 - Lithographs of fossil vertebrates from Charles Koenig's 'Icones...'
677 - LDGSL/677 - Photographic lithographs of fossil corals from Kentucky, USA
678 - LDGSL/678 - 'Tableau indiquant la distribution geologique des brachiopods dans le temps'
679 - LDGSL/679 - Prints of fossils from Murchison's 'Silurian System'
680 - LDGSL/680 - Engravings of fossils taken from the 'Edinburgh Encyclopaedia'
681 - LDGSL/681 - Photographs of fossils from Queensland and New South Wales
682 - LDGSL/682 - Lithographs of bones of sauropods and brontotheres
683 - LDGSL/683 - Artists' reconstructions of extinct creatures
684 - LDGSL/684 - Specimen lithograph of five Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils
685 - LDGSL/685 - Specimen lithotint with assorted fossils over a view of sea cliffs
686 - LDGSL/686 - Etching of recent gastropods
687 - LDGSL/687 - Samples of lithographic printing
688 - LDGSL/688 - Lithographs of lecture diagrams depicting gastropods, foraminifera and flint tools
689 - LDGSL/689 - Lithograph, 'Diluvian Connemara antiquities'
690 - LDGSL/690 - Engravings of flint hand axes from Hoxne, Suffolk
691 - LDGSL/691 - Six photographs of prehistoric carvings from the Dordogne, France
692 - LDGSL/692 - Lithographs of flint and bone tools from the Perigord, France
693 - LDGSL/693 - Photographs of pit-like trace fossil in sandstone
694 - LDGSL/694 - Lithograph of a 'Telescopic view of Lunar craters under high magnifying power'
695 - LDGSL/695 - Lithograph of a 'Diagram showing the course traced by the pole during one second rotation of the Earth'
696 - LDGSL/696 - Geological map of the Albert coal mines, New Brunswick
697 - LDGSL/697 - Illustrative plates of fossils and decorative stones taken from from 'Expedition scientifique de Morée'
698 - LDGSL/698 - 'Geologische Entwickelungs-folge der Organischen Natur-Reiche'
699 - LDGSL/699 - ‘Geometrical projection of two thirds of a sphere'
700 - LDGSL/700 - 'Chart of the world on Mercator's projection'
701 - LDGSL/701 - First geological map of Scotland by Louis Albert NECKER
702 - LDGSL/702 - Daniel Sharpe's Geological map of Scotland
704 - LDGSL/704 - SDUK's 'Geological map of England and Wales'
712 - LDGSL/712 - Maps of a survey of oolitic districts from south-west England to the Humber
713 - LDGSL/713 - WOOD, Searles Valentine, the younger (1830-1884)
714 - LDGSL/714 - HARMER, Frederic William (1835-1923)
715 - LDGSL/715 - 'Map and geological sections of the Borough of Ludlow'
716 - LDGSL/716 - 'Map and geological sections of the City of Hereford'
717 - LDGSL/717 - 'Map and geological sections of the Skipton Board of Health'
718 - LDGSL/718 - Geological colouring on a map of West Sussex
719 - LDGSL/719 - BARRETT, Lucas (1837-1862)
720 - LDGSL/720 - Manuscript map of 'Cornwall and Devon shewing the strike of the slate beds'
721 - LDGSL/721 - Geological map of Lundy Island
722 - LDGSL/722 - First geological map of Jersey [draft]
723 - LDGSL/723 - First geological map of Jersey [final]
724 - LDGSL/724 - Geological lines and colouring on Ordnance Survey maps from Barmouth to the northeast of Wales
725 - LDGSL/725 - Map and sections of folds and faults in the Liege Basin, Belgium
726 - LDGSL/726 - Map and sections of Canton Glarus, Switzerland
727 - LDGSL/727 - Map of 'Der Gas-Vulkan bei Uelmen'
728 - LDGSL/728 - 'Chart of Sarawak', Borneo
729 - LDGSL/729 - Geological map of New South Wales, Australia
730 - LDGSL/730 - Map and section of New South Wales prepared for the international Exhibition, London
731 - LDGSL/731 - Map 'Eastern Australia coloured geologically...'
732 - LDGSL/732 - Rough geological map of Tasmania
733 - LDGSL/733 - Geological colouring on a chart of New Zealand
734 - LDGSL/734 - Map and sections of the Natal Coalfield
735 - LDGSL/735 - Geological map of the United States
736 - LDGSL/736 - Geological maps of the USA and New Mexico
737 - LDGSL/737 - Geological map of Barbados
738 - LDGSL/738 - Map of Pictou Coalfield, Nova Scotia, Canada
740 - LDGSL/740 - William SMITH's 'General map of strata found in England & Wales'
741 - LDGSL/741 - William SMITH, table of strata in the vicinity of Bath
742a - LDGSL/742a - 2014 facsimile of William Smith's map of Bath
743 - LDGSL/743 - Facsimile of William Smith's general map of strata
744 - LDGSL/744 - Facsimile of William SMITH's table of strata
745 - LDGSL/745 - Reports on the state of the collieries at and near Nailsea
746 - LDGSL/746 - 'Geological cross sections through different parts of England and Wales'
747 - LDGSL/747 - 'Geological table of British organized fossils...'
748 - LDGSL/748 - Plan of 'The Proposed Aire and Dunn Canal...'
749 - LDGSL/749 - Uncoloured copies of William Smith's maps of Cumberland, Northumberland and Westmorland
750 - LDGSL/750 - Geological colouring on 'A map of the country round Scarborough...'
751 - LDGSL/751 - 'Stratification in Hackness Hills'
752 - LDGSL/752 - ‘Deductions from established facts in geology'
752a - LDGSL/752a - 'Natural History of fossils'
753 - LDGSL/753 - James HUTTON's 'Theory of the Earth'
754 - LDGSL/754 - Tabulated information on the minerals and fossils of the counties of England and Wales
755 - LDGSL/755 - ‘Notes upon the Huttonian system of Geology'
756 - LDGSL/756 - 'Essai geologique sur l'etat primitif des Antilles'
757 - LDGSL/757 - 'Notes sur la soufriere Guadeloupe'
758 - LDGSL/758 - 'Report...on the state of the volcano of Guadeloupe'
760 - LDGSL/760 - 'Mineral sistem'
761 - LDGSL/761 - 'Synopsis of Geological Phenomena'
762 - LDGSL/762 - Rough notebook of crystallographic notes and measurements
764 - LDGSL/764 - Incomplete paper critical of work by Conybeare and Berger in Northern Ireland
765 - LDGSL/765 - 'Histoire du passage des Alpes par Annibal'
766 - LDGSL/766 - Letters from William Phillips on on haytorite from Devon
767 - LDGSL/767 - Copy of 'A memoir and supplementary memoir of a map of the eastern branch of the Indus...’
769 - LDGSL/769 - Section of strata in the engine pit of Rutland Colliery
770 - LDGSL/770 - Manuscript, ‘On the geology of the Paris Basin'
771 - LDGSL/771 - Notes and extracts on the volcanoes of the Auvergne
772 - LDGSL/772 - Paper 'Cabezndo upon geology' a mock theological discussion of a fossil
773 - LDGSL/773 - 'Tabular view of characteristic British fossils'
774 - LDGSL/774 - 'A catalogue of British fossils...'
775 - LDGSL/775 - Paper, 'Report on the geology of the country near the 49th parallel of latitude in the western part of North America'
776 - LDGSL/776 - BONNEY, Thomas George (1833-1923)
777 - LDGSL/777 - Notes from Lyell's ‘Geological evidences of the antiquity of Man'
778 - LDGSL/778 - 'The old Chalk-ocean cemetery'
779 - LDGSL/779 - Autograph letters of Charles Lyell and Adam Sedgwick
780 - LDGSL/780 - Book, 'Die Lehre von den Flotzformationen'
781 - LDGSL/781 - 'Physical and historical evidences of vast sinkings of land...'
782 - LDGSL/782 - Geological reports on iron mines in Cornwall
783 - LDGSL/783 - 'Dictionary of Silurian Lamellibranchiata...'
785 - LDGSL/785 - Student notebook and lecture notes on palaeontology
786 - LDGSL/786 - Student notebook on the 'microscopic examination of rocks'
787 - LDGSL/787 - 'Geological surveying notebook'
788 - LDGSL/788 - Paper 'Douze cent mille ans d'humanite prouvis scientifiquement...'
789 - LDGSL/789 - Letters to Archibald GEIKIE from Roderick Impey Murchison
790 - LDGSL/790 - Letters to Archibald GEIKIE from various correspondents
791 - LDGSL/791 - Scrapbook, 'Sir Archibald Geikie in America'
792 - LDGSL/792 - Photographs taken during Archibald Geikie's tour of Russia, Greece and Italy
793 - LDGSL/793 - COOMARASWAMY - 'Geology of Ceylon'
794 - LDGSL/794 - Field notebooks of Joseph PRESTWICH
795 - LDGSL/795 - Index to Joseph PRESTWICH's field notebooks
796 - LDGSL/796 - Joseph PRESTWICH's geological notes: Eocene-Miocene
797 - LDGSL/797 - Joseph PRESTWICH's geological notes: Pliocene, Post-Pliocene
798 - LDGSL/798 - Joseph PRESTWICH's geological notes: sections
799 - LDGSL/799 - Geological sections of the coast around Gamrie, Banffshire
800 - LDGSL/800 - Notes and sections, southeast England and South Wales
800a - LDGSL/800a - Joseph Prestwich tracts on the Antiquity of Man
801 - LDGSL/801 - MITCHELL, James (1787-1844)
802 - LDGSL/802 - MOORE, Charles (1815-1881)
828 - LDGSL/828 - John Phillips' 'Geology of Yorkshire' (2nd ed)
836 - LDGSL/836 - Notebooks of the Murchison family
837 - LDGSL/837 - Map, 'Silurian region and adjacent counties of England & Wales geologically illustrated ... '
838 - LDGSL/838 - Roderick Impey Murchison collection: correspondence, 1808-1871
A - LDGSL/838/A - Murchison correspondence 'A'
B - LDGSL/838/B - Murchison correspondence 'B'
C - LDGSL/838/C - Murchison correspondence 'C'
1 - LDGSL/838/C/1 - Murchison correspondence: letters from Count CANCRINE
2 - LDGSL/838/C/2 - Murchison correspondence: letters from Sir John Hobart CARADOC, 2nd Baron Howden
3 - LDGSL/838/C/3 - Murchison correspondence: letters from William Benjamin CARPENTER
4 - LDGSL/838/C/4 - Murchison correspondence: letter from George CARR
5 - LDGSL/838/C/5 - Murchison correspondence: letters from William CARRUTHERS
6 - LDGSL/838/C/6 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Robert CHAMBERS
7 - LDGSL/838/C/7 - Murchison correspondence: letters from Francis Leggatt CHANTREY
8 - LDGSL/838/C/8 - Murchison correspondence: letter from John George CHILDREN
9 - LDGSL/838/C/9 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Alexander Turnbull CHRISTIE
10 - LDGSL/838/C/10 - Murchison correspondence: letter from James CHRISTIE
11 - LDGSL/838/C/11 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Jules de CHRISTOL
12 - LDGSL/838/C/12 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Abraham CLARKE
13 - LDGSL/838/C/13 - Murchison correspondence: letters from William Branwhite CLARKE
14 - LDGSL/838/C/14 - Murchison correspondence: letters from William CLIFT
15 - LDGSL/838/C/15 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Iginio COCCHI
16 - LDGSL/838/C/16 - Murchison correspondence: letters from Count COLLOREDO
17 - LDGSL/838/C/17 - Murchison correspondence: letters from William Daniel CONYBEARE
18 - LDGSL/838/C/18 - Murchison correspondence: letter from William COWPER
19 - LDGSL/838/C/19 - Murchison correspondence: letters from Alexander CRICHTON
20 - LDGSL/838/C/20 - Murchison correspondence: letters from Matthew CULLEY
21 - LDGSL/838/C/21 - Murchison correspondence: letter from George Cadogan, 3rd Earl CADOGAN
22 - LDGSL/838/C/22 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Henry Charles Cadogan, 4th Earl CADOGAN
23 - LDGSL/838/C/23 - Murchison correspondence: letter from James Sinclair, 14th Earl of CAITHNESS
24 - LDGSL/838/C/24 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Du Pre Alexander, 2nd Earl of CALEDON
25 - LDGSL/838/C/25 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Augustus Wall CALLCOTT
26 - LDGSL/838/C/26 - Murchison correspondence: letter from The Rev the Hon Archibald George CAMPBELL
27 - LDGSL/838/C/27 - Murchison correspondence: letter from John Francis CAMPBELL
28 - LDGSL/838/C/28 - Murchison correspondence: letter from W J CAMPBELL
29 - LDGSL/838/C/29 - Murchison correspondence: letter from D CAPNISTE
31 - LDGSL/838/C/31 - Murchison correspondence: letters from George William Frederick HOWARD, Viscount Morpeth
32 - LDGSL/838/C/32 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Henry Howard Molyneux HERBERT, 4th earl of Carnarvon
33 - LDGSL/838/C/33 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Evelyn Herbert, Countess of CARNARVON
34 - LDGSL/838/C/34 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Walter CARRUTHERS
35 - LDGSL/838/C/35 - Murchison correspondence: letter from John Bonham CARTER
36 - LDGSL/838/C/36 - Murchison correspondence: letter from W CARTER
37 - LDGSL/838/C/37 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Samuel CARTWRIGHT
38 - LDGSL/838/C/38 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Rev William Henry CARTWRIGHT
39 - LDGSL/838/C/39 - Murchison correspondence: letter from George CATLIN
40 - LDGSL/838/C/40 - Murchison correspondence: letters from John Frederick Campbell, 2nd Baron and 1st Earl of CAWDOR
41 - LDGSL/838/C/41 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Charles Harcourt CHAMBERS
42 - LDGSL/838/C/42 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Benedict CHAPMAN
43 - LDGSL/838/C/43 - Murchison correspondence: letter from S J CHAPMAN
44 - LDGSL/838/C/44 - Murchison correspondence: letter from [?Francis] CHARTERIS
45 - LDGSL/838/C/45 - Murchison correspondence: letter from S CHARTERS
46 - LDGSL/838/C/46 - Murchison correspondence: letter from W CHATTERTON
47 - LDGSL/838/C/47 - Murchison correspondence: letter from William George CHERRY
48 - LDGSL/838/C/48 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Charles CHESTER
49 - LDGSL/838/C/49 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Robert CHRISTISON
50 - LDGSL/838/C/50 - Murchison correspondence: letters from Mme A de CIRCOURT
51 - LDGSL/838/C/51 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Peter CLARE
52 - LDGSL/838/C/52 - Murchison correspondence: letter from George William Villiers, 4th Earl of CLARENDON
53 - LDGSL/838/C/53 - Murchison correspondence: letters from Charles Mansfield CLARKE
54 - LDGSL/838/C/54 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Thomas Henry Shadwell CLERKE
55 - LDGSL/838/C/55 - Murchison correspondence: letter from John CLEGHORN
56 - LDGSL/838/C/56 - Murchison correspondence: letters from Sir William Harry Vane
57 - LDGSL/838/C/57 - Murchison correspondence: letters from Sir Harry Vane
58 - LDGSL/838/C/58 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Elizabeth Vane, Duchess of CLEVELAND
59 - LDGSL/838/C/59 - Murchison correspondence: letters from Edward Clive, 1st earl of Powis
60 - LDGSL/838/C/60 - Murchison correspondence: letters from the Hon Robert CLIVE
61 - LDGSL/838/C/61 - Murchison correspondence: letters from J S CLOSE
62 - LDGSL/838/C/62 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Alexander Baillie COCHRANE
63 - LDGSL/838/C/63 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Arthur Auckland Leopold Pedro COCHRANE
64 - LDGSL/838/C/64 - Murchison correspondence: letter from A E COCKBURN
65 - LDGSL/838/C/65 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Charles Abbot, 2nd Baron COLCHESTER
66 - LDGSL/838/C/66 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Elizabeth Susan Abbot, Lady, wife of 2nd Baron COLCHESTER
67 - LDGSL/838/C/67 - Murchison correspondence: letters from Henry COLE
68 - LDGSL/838/C/68 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Richard COLLINSON
69 - LDGSL/838/C/69 - Murchison correspondence: letters from R G COLQUHOUN
70 - LDGSL/838/C/70 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Sir Stapleton Cotton, 6th Bart & 1st Viscount COMBERMERE
71 - LDGSL/838/C/71 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Mary, Lady COMBERMERE
72 - LDGSL/838/C/72 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Mrs A G CONSTABLE
73 - LDGSL/838/C/73 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Rev Charles Rankin CONYBEARE
74 - LDGSL/838/C/74 - Murchison correspondence: letters from Edward William COOKE
75 - LDGSL/838/C/75 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Rev George COOKE
76 - LDGSL/838/C/76 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Edward COPLESTON, Bishop of Llandaff
77 - LDGSL/838/C/77 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Henry COTTERILL
78 - LDGSL/838/C/78 - Murchison correspondence: letter from William CRACKENTHORPE
79 - LDGSL/838/C/79 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Sophia CRACROFT
80 - LDGSL/838/C/80 - Murchison correspondence: letter from J R CRAWFURD
81 - LDGSL/838/C/81 - Murchison correspondence: letters from John CRAWFURD
82 - LDGSL/838/C/82 - Murchison correspondence: letter from William Pryce CUMBY
83 - LDGSL/838/C/83 - Murchison correspondence: letter from John CURTIS
84 - LDGSL/838/C/84 - Murchison correspondence: letter from Edward CARDWELL
D - LDGSL/838/D - Murchison correspondence 'D'
E - LDGSL/838/E - Murchison correspondence 'E'
F - LDGSL/838/F - Murchison correspondence 'F'
G - LDGSL/838/G - Murchison correspondence 'G'
H - LDGSL/838/H - Murchison correspondence 'H'
I - LDGSL/838/I - Murchison correspondence 'I'
J - LDGSL/838/J - Murchison correspondence 'J'
K - LDGSL/838/K - Murchison correspondence 'K'
L - LDGSL/838/L - Murchison correspondence 'L'
M - LDGSL/838/M - Murchison correspondence 'M'
N - LDGSL/838/N - Murchison correspondence 'N'
O - LDGSL/838/O - Murchison correspondence 'O'
P - LDGSL/838/P - Murchison correspondence 'P'
R - LDGSL/838/R - Murchison correspondence 'R'
S - LDGSL/838/S - Murchison correspondence 'S'
T - LDGSL/838/T - Murchison correspondence 'T'
U - LDGSL/838/U - Murchison correspondence 'U'
V - LDGSL/838/V - Murchison correspondence 'V'
W - LDGSL/838/W - Murchison correspondence 'W'
Y - LDGSL/838/Y - Murchison correspondence 'Y'
Z - LDGSL/838/Z - Murchison correspondence 'Z'
839 - LDGSL/839 - Roderick Impey Murchison collection: field notebooks and diaries, 1814-1869
840 - LDGSL/840 - Charlotte MURCHISON's field notebooks
841 - LDGSL/841 - Roderick Impey Murchison, 26 volumes of an autobiographical journal
842 - LDGSL/842 - 'Journal of a tour to the Lakes'
843 - LDGSL/843 - Roderick Impey MURCHISON's financial accounts
844 - LDGSL/844 - Roderick Impey MURCHISON's bank account with Messrs Coutts & Co
845 - LDGSL/845 - Paper 'Observations on the [Pulborough] district described by Mr Martin'
846 - LDGSL/846 - Notes on geological sites to be visited in France
847 - LDGSL/847 - 'Hauteurs au dessus de la mer de quelques montagnes du centre de la France'
848 - LDGSL/848 - Review of James David Forbes' paper on the geology of the Auvergne
849 - LDGSL/849 - Paper 'Strictures on De Beaumont and Dufrenoy's defence of the craters of elevation'
850 - LDGSL/850 - Watercolours of trilobites published in Silurian System
851 - LDGSL/851 - Watercolours of trilobites
852 - LDGSL/852 - Drawings of two trilobites from the Caradoc Limestone
853 - LDGSL/853 - 'Table of the stratified deposits beneath the Coal Measures in the counties of Hereford...’
854 - LDGSL/854 - Sketch of 'Upper Silurian rocks, Marloes Bay', Dyfed
855 - LDGSL/855 - Geological sections around Ludlow
856 - LDGSL/856 - ‘Silurian System’ subscription list
857 - LDGSL/857 - Sketches of scenery in Wales and the Welsh Borders for Roderick Murchison's 'Silurian System'
858 - LDGSL/858 - Proofs of three plates of fossils from ‘Silurian System’
859 - LDGSL/859 - Drawings published as text figures in ‘Silurian System’
860 - LDGSL/860 - Proofs of woodcut text figures for ‘Silurian System’
861 - LDGSL/861 - Proofs of four scenic lithographs for ‘Silurian System’
862 - LDGSL/862 - Sketch of scenery in south Wales
863 - LDGSL/863 - 'View of raised beach of north Devon as seen under the cliffs of Saunton Down'
864 - LDGSL/864 - Drawings of bivalves from Devon
865 - LDGSL/865 - 'A list of fossils sent from Cornwall to Sir Roderick I Murchison'
866 - LDGSL/866 - Roderick Impey MURCHISON's travel permits for Russia and Scandinavia
867 - LDGSL/867 - Drawings and proofs of sections published in Murchison's ‘Geology of Russia’
868 - LDGSL/868 - Paper, 'Facts, respecting the Trubetskois'
869 - LDGSL/869 - Paper 'Original article on Russia for the Quarterly'
870 - LDGSL/870 - Paper 'Forchammer's objections to the theories of Agassiz and Sefström'
871 - LDGSL/871 - Paper ‘What I said at Venice on the Nummulites'
872 - LDGSL/872 - Sketches of sections of the Alps, Apennines, etc
873 - LDGSL/873 - Fair copies of sections of the Alps and Apennines published in Murchison's memoir
874 - LDGSL/874 - 'Documents, chiefly palaeontological, connected with my memoir on the Alps and Apennines'
875 - LDGSL/875 - ‘Rough sketch of my memoir on Alps, Apennines etc'
876 - LDGSL/876 - Paper 'On the geological structure of the Alps, Apennines and Carpathians'
877 - LDGSL/877 - Notes and drafts on erratic blocks in the Alps
878 - LDGSL/878 - Murchison's recommendation for the Copley Medal
879 - LDGSL/879 - Paper 'Additional remarks on the deposit of Oeningen in Switzerland'
880 - LDGSL/880 - Paper 'Siberia and California...'
881 - LDGSL/881 - History of the discovery of gold in Australia
882 - LDGSL/882 - Paper 'Observations on the mountain systems of dislocation of M Elie de Beaumont', 1852
883 - LDGSL/883 - Manuscript drafts for ‘Siluria’
884 - LDGSL/884 - Lists and descriptions of Silurian fossils for ‘Siluria’
885 - LDGSL/885 - Notes concerning text and illustrations for ‘Siluria’
886 - LDGSL/886 - 'Memoranda in preparing “Siluria”, not to be copied'
887 - LDGSL/887 - Criticisms and corrections of the text of ‘Siluria’
888 - LDGSL/888 - 'Appendix: Lower Silurian not to be changed into Cambrian'
889 - LDGSL/889 - Lecture 'Evening discourse on the geological structure and order of the older rocks of the northwest counties of Scotland'
890 - LDGSL/890 - Paper, 'Part 2: relations of the Silurian rocks of the south of Scotland to the Lower Old Red Sandstone and crystalline rocks of the Highlands'
891 - LDGSL/891 - Corrected proofs of Murchison's geological map of Scotland
892 - LDGSL/892 - Murchison bequest
893 - LDGSL/893 - Prints of trilobites from Dudley, Ctenacanthus, Carboniferous fossils, recent molluscs
894 - LDGSL/894 - 'Section from Roundstone Bay northward to Clew Bay through the counties of Galway and Mayo'
895 - LDGSL/895 - Ink sketch of a Whin Dyke from the limestone quarry at Carlingford, Ireland
896 - LDGSL/896 - Richard Griffith's list of localities of the Silurian fossils of Ireland
897 - LDGSL/897 - Notice of a prize essay competition for the Italian scientific congress of 1847
898 - LDGSL/898 - Search for Sir John Franklin: 'Copy of letter addressed by Lady Franklin to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty'
899 - LDGSL/899 - Search for Sir John Franklin: subscription list for 'Lady Franklin's final search'
900 - LDGSL/900 - Paper 'The stalactitic grotto and the breccia of bones at Brando, in Corsica’
900a - LDGSL/900a - 'Enclosure to Mr Eyre's despatch to Earl Granville'
900b - LDGSL/900b - Letters to Dr Charles Murchison
901 - LDGSL/901 - Miscellaneous newspapers, newscuttings, prospectuses, reports and other printed ephemera
902 - LDGSL/902 - Annual reports of the ROYAL GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF CORNWALL
903 - LDGSL/903 - Print 'Oh! que rara couza!...'
904 - LDGSL/904 - Printed advertisement for Nathaniel John Larkin's wooden crystal models
905 - LDGSL/905 - 'Awful changes’, a printed cartoon showing Professor Ichthyosaur lecturing
906 - LDGSL/906 - Offprints on the geology of the west of Scotland
907 - LDGSL/907 - Notes of a geological tour through the northern counties of Scotland
908 - LDGSL/908 - Prospectus for Richard Cowling TAYLOR's book 'Statistics of coal'
909 - LDGSL/909 - 'An act to facilitate the completion of, a geological survey of Great Britain and Ireland...'
910 - LDGSL/910 - 'Highbury Grove in 1846’, a lithographed cartoon
911 - LDGSL/911 - 'Geological notes'
912 - LDGSL/912 - Testimonials in favour of William King
913 - LDGSL/913 - Great Exhibition diplomas awarded to Henry Thomas De la Beche
914 - LDGSL/914 - John PERCY's scrapbook
917 - LDGSL/917 - Newscuttings: 'A geological blunder'
918 - LDGSL/918 - Newscuttings relating to geological features, discoveries and events in the British Isles
919 - LDGSL/919 - Proof copy of 'The geology of the counties of England and Wales'
920 - LDGSL/920 - 'Section of the Earth’s crust on a large scale...'
921 - LDGSL/921 - Booklet 'Geology, familiarly illustrated'
922 - LDGSL/922 - Section of well at Bognor Water Works
923 - LDGSL/923 - 'Mining', an educational diagram
924 - LDGSL/924 - 'Chart of fossil shells found in connection with the seams of coal...'
925 - LDGSL/925 - 'Table of British strata'
926 - LDGSL/926 - Poems to mark the 50th anniversary of Gotthelf Fischer von Waldheim's doctorate
927 - LDGSL/927 - View and section of an extinct geyser, Mexico
928 - LDGSL/928 - Topographic map of the Raiyan Depression, Egypt
930 - LDGSL/930 - 7th INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS, signatures of participants
931 - LDGSL/931 - Reports on earthquake shocks in Bengal 1897-1898
932 - LDGSL/932 - Sections of Israel, Santorini and Egypt
933 - LDGSL/933 - 'British Geological Photographs'
934 - LDGSL/934 - Photographs of the granite around Land's End, Cornwall
935 - LDGSL/935 - Photographs of geological features in France
936 - LDGSL/936 - Photographs of Pleistocene geological features in Malta
938 - LDGSL/938 - Photographs by William Henry JACKSON, taken on Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden's survey expeditions
939 - LDGSL/939 - Photograph of the Dana Monument, Dana Park, Albany, New York
940 - LDGSL/940 - Photographs of fossil amphibians from Nova Scotia, Canada
941 - LDGSL/941 - Héliogravures of Mount Pelée in eruption
942 - LDGSL/942 - Photographic views of the landslides and subsequent flooding at Gohna and Naini Tal, northwest India
943 - LDGSL/943 - DAVID, Tannatt William Edgeworth (1858-1934)
946 - LDGSL/946 - Photographs of seismological apparatus used in Japan
947 - LDGSL/947 - GREENOUGH, George Bellas (1778-1855)
979A - LDGSL/979A - Greenough's 'Geological Map of England & Wales' 1st-3rd editions
984 - LDGSL/984 - Geological map and sections from 'Expedition Scientifique de Morée'
986 - LDGSL/986 - 'Geologische Elementarkarte'
987 - LDGSL/987 - Greenough's 'Map of Europe'
988 - LDGSL/988 - Sections and maps from Ebel's 'Ueber den Bau der Erde in dem Alpen-Gebirge zwischen...', 1808.
989 - LDGSL/989 - Geological colouring on 'Atlas National de France'
990 - LDGSL/990 - 'Durchschnitts-profil' showing gold workings in Brazil
991 - LDGSL/991 - 'Carte geologique des environs de la lagune de Chapala', Brazil
992 - LDGSL/992 - 'Petrographische charte' of a strip of country inland from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
993 - LDGSL/993 - Sketch map of the last eight earthquakes felt in the Prussian states
995 - LDGSL/995 - Maps and sections of Russia in Asia [around Orenburg province]
996 - LDGSL/996 - Sections of mines and quarries in Silesia and Saxony
1000 - LDGSL/1000 - 'Der Bau des Erdrinde' an imaginative section through the crust of the Earth
1001 - LDGSL/1001 - Geological sections around the Rhine
1002 - LDGSL/1002 - Geological map of the Paris Basin, France
1005 - LDGSL/1005 - Plans of the mining district of Schemnitz
1007 - LDGSL/1007 - Maps and sections of Russia in Europe
1008 - LDGSL/1008 - George Bellas Greenough Map Collection
1009 - LDGSL/1009 - Extract from the will of George Bellas GREENOUGH
1010 - LDGSL/1010 - 'Map of the mining district of Alston Moor'
1012 - LDGSL/1012 - Geological colouring on a map of Leicester
1013 - LDGSL/1013 - Geological map of Spain
1014 - LDGSL/1014 - Engravings of brachiopods cut from Murchison's ‘Silurian System’
1015 - LDGSL/1015 - Copies of letters from Roderick Impey MURCHISON to Adam Sedgwick
1016 - LDGSL/1016 - Description of Platychoerops richardsoni
1017 - LDGSL/1017 - Report on MacDonnell Ranges, with other reports on minerals in Australia
1018 - LDGSL/1018 - Plan of the track of a proposed cast iron railway from Glasgow to Berwick-upon-Tweed
1019 - LDGSL/1019 - Scrapbook of cuttings on vertebrate natural history and palaeontology
1020 - LDGSL/1020 - Scrapbook of cuttings on vertebrate palaeontology and prehistoric archaeology
1021 - LDGSL/1021 - Scrapbook of cuttings on human palaeontology and archaeology and other geological topics
1022 - LDGSL/1022 - Two albums of photographs of the Swiss Alps
1023 - LDGSL/1023 - Translations of papers in foreign journals on glaciology
1024 - LDGSL/1024 - Translations of papers in foreign journals on glaciology
1025 - LDGSL/1025 - Translations of papers on ice and glaciers from foreign journals
1026 - LDGSL/1026 - Translations of papers in foreign journals on ice and snow
1027 - LDGSL/1027 - Translations of papers in foreign journals on glacial erosion and deposits
1028 - LDGSL/1028 - Translation of 'Die Gletscher'
1029 - LDGSL/1029 - Translation 'Die Alpen im Eiszeitalter'
1030 - LDGSL/1030 - Translations of papers in foreign journals on climatic changes
1031 - LDGSL/1031 - Translations of papers in foreign journals on blue veins; snow; 'nieve penitente', etc
1032 - LDGSL/1032 - Notebooks of Maj-Gen Sidney Henry POWELL
1034 - LDGSL/1034 - Geological notebooks of Dr Ernest LLOYD-JONES
1035 - LDGSL/1035 - Photographs of trilobite appendages from the Burgess Shale
1036 - LDGSL/1036 - Annotated paper 'Discoid limestones which simulate organic characters...'
1037 - LDGSL/1037 - Letters to Leonard HAWKES mostly on petrological topics
1038 - LDGSL/1038 - Leonard HAWKES' application for the readership in geology at Bedford College
1039 - LDGSL/1039 - Leonard HAWKES' lectures and reports on Icelandic and Javanese geology
1040 - LDGSL/1040 - Material relating to Leonard HAWKES' visit to China
1041 - LDGSL/1041 - Formation of the International Union of Geological Sciences
1042 - LDGSL/1042 - Letters congratulating Leonard HAWKES' award of the Wollaston Medal
1043 - LDGSL/1043 - WOODD, Charles Henry Lardner (1821-1893)
1044 - LDGSL/1044 - Letters from William Hellier BAILY to John Van Voorst
1045 - LDGSL/1045 - Letters to Leonard Johnston WILLS
1046 - LDGSL/1046 - Paper 'Introductory note on the revision of the genera Lophophyllum'
1047 - LDGSL/1047 - Annotated book 'A catalogue of the collection of fossils in the Museum of Practical Geology'
1048 - LDGSL/1048 - Two photographs of Lot's Wife Rock, St Helena
1049 - LDGSL/1049 - Nine photographs of geological features north of Verona and Vicenza, Italy
1050 - LDGSL/1050 - Photographs of Down House, Darwin's home in Kent
1051 - LDGSL/1051 - Photographs of commemorative plaques to geologists
1052 - LDGSL/1052 - Menus for the GEOLOGICAL SURVEY's annual dinners
1053 - LDGSL/1053 - 'Horizontal section across the Dyffryn Trough, Neath'
1054 - LDGSL/1054 - Prospectus for Wolfram Mining and Smelting Co Ltd
1055 - LDGSL/1055 - Prints of fossil human bones and megalithic monuments
1056 - LDGSL/1056 - Rupert Jones Memorial Fund
1057 - LDGSL/1057 - Benjamin Harrison Memorial appeal
1058 - LDGSL/1058 - Parodic 'Geological chart showing the strata of the Taupo District'
1059 - LDGSL/1059 - Red Lions Club, dinner menu and invitation card
1060 - LDGSL/1060 - RHODESIAN CONGO BORDER CONCESSION LTD shareholders' report
1061 - LDGSL/1061 - FORD, James [fl. 1890s-1920s]
1062 - LDGSL/1062 - WORSLEY, Peter (1939-)
1063 - LDGSL/1063 - Geological reports on Uganda
1064 - LDGSL/1064 - ANDREW, Gerald (1897-?1986)
1065 - LDGSL/1065 - ANDREW, John Roger (b.1927)
1066 - LDGSL/1066 - Letter from William WHITAKER to Mr Leach
1067 - LDGSL/1067 - Volume, 'Note on a new sounding machine...'
1068 - LDGSL/1068 - Sections of borings in the Metropolitan District and for the proposed tunnel sewer
1069 - LDGSL/1069 - Modern photocopies of famous geologists' letters
1070 - LDGSL/1070 - Geological map of the estuary of the Thames
1071 - LDGSL/1071 - Papers on the glacial interglacial stratigraphy of the Quaternary in Midland and Eastern England
1072 - LDGSL/1072 - Scrapbook, 'Scenes in the Ural'
1073 - LDGSL/1073 - TEALL, Sir Jethro Justinian Harris (1849-1924)
1074 - LDGSL/1074 - Reports on the mineral and oil wealth of Africa and the Middle East
1075 - LDGSL/1075 - Formation of the Geological Society of South Africa
1076 - LDGSL/1076 - Field trip memorial for the 4th International Geological Congress
1077 - LDGSL/1077 - List of the 'Publications of Sir Roderick Impey Murchison'
1078 - LDGSL/1078 - WATSON, Janet Vida (1923-1985)
1079 - LDGSL/1079 - Postage stamp commemorating the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Geological Survey of Ireland
1080 - LDGSL/1080 - GREIG, Arthur (1893-1989)
1081 - LDGSL/1081 - Papers relating to Sir Percy (Peter) KENT's memorial service
1082 - LDGSL/1082 - Criticisms of Archibald Geikie's autobiography
1083 - LDGSL/1083 - Unpublished biography, 'Life in the Colonial Geological Survey Service in Nyasaland and Cyprus 1950-1960'
1084 - LDGSL/1084 - Papers relating to the preparation of the obituaries for Oliver Meredith Boone BULMAN
1085 - LDGSL/1085 - Charles Lyell Centenary Symposium
1086 - LDGSL/1086 - Lyell Bicentenary testimonial from the Moscow Naturalist Society
1087 - LDGSL/1087 - ANDREWS, James Ross (1944-)
1088 - LDGSL/1088 - MERRIMAN Collection
1089 - LDGSL/1089 - Photographs of geological features in England & Wales
1090 - LDGSL/1090 - SHACKLETON, Robert Millner (1909-2001)
1091 - LDGSL/1091 - Cartoon of an oil rig by 'JAK'
1092 - LDGSL/1092 - Photographs of aftermath of the eruption of Mount Pelée with section
1094 - LDGSL/1094 - Richard Griffith's 'General map of Ireland...'
1095 - LDGSL/1095 - Map 'A new philosophico chorographical chart of East-Kent'
1096 - LDGSL/1096 - J A Knipe's Geological maps of the British Isles and part of France...
1097 - LDGSL/1097 - Geological Map of Norfolk & Suffolk
1098 - LDGSL/1098 - Letters from Sir Charles Lyell
1099 - LDGSL/1099 - Book 'On the geology of the South Staffordshire coal field'
1100 - LDGSL/1100 - William Topley's 'Geological model of the South East of England...'
1101 - LDGSL/1101 - Paper 'The Piltdown Problem Reconsidered'
1102 - LDGSL/1102 - Drawing of a Cruziana semiplicata (Salter) fossil
1103 - LDGSL/1103 - Press cuttings about the discovery of the Piltdown Hoax
1104 - LDGSL/1104 - Fossil, locality lists and maps cited in published papers
1105 - LDGSL/1105 - Three engravings of 'Giants Causeway in Antrim'
1106 - LDGSL/1106 - Geological lantern slides
1107 - LDGSL/1107 - MCKENZIE, Dan Peter (1942-)
1108 - LDGSL/1108 - IRVING, Edward [Ted] (1927-2014)
1109 - LDGSL/1109 - SMITH, Alan Gilbert (1937-2017)
1110 - LDGSL/1110 - COWARD, Michael Peter (1945-2003)
1112 - LDGSL/1112 - LOVELL, Julian Patrick Bryan (1942-2024)
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